First grow not so good.Transplanted....


Well-Known Member
has that got little buds? did u transplant half way through flowering? next time do that about a week or prior before the switch.


Well-Known Member
what happened was I started it in a 1 gallon pot with some not very good soil, and on top of that i WAY overwatered it. I had it in that same pot for about a month and a half,it didn't seem like it. was getting much bigger. so I geuss that I topped it and changed the light cycle way to this time the soil was really overwatered so i just transplanted it.I've definitley been having some problems...(to say the least) but just trying to find out if I am somewhat on the right track....


Well-Known Member
lol...yeah,I know it's REALLY small..probably from all the first one,and no doubt, plenty of mistakes....


Where to start go to the store next time buy a bag of fox farm or rootz potting soil. Healthy roots means healthy shootz. The nutrients in the soil will help get the plant on track. I recommend that you start with your medium. Depending upon budget you will want some fertilizer with nitrogen in it for veg stage. Start the clone or seed in Dixie cup, after the roots have filled in transplant it into 1 gal depending upon the amount of time you want to veg the plant you will want to transplant it again before flipping the lights.