First Grow on a budget


New Member
Yes i would also separate them as soon as you can. They look good.
don't give them vinegar next time. its an acid.
leave the ph alone next time

I agree, I left that part want at least 100,000 lumens for ultimate growth. Best to use seperate pots that way you don't have to un-tangle roots later. Especially if you end up with male plants...that would not be good.


New Member
Hey kitty.
You must be getting excited about your trip coming up.
Thats awesome.
I am purchasing lights today.
Probably an 800 watt system with built in fan.
Can add either hps or Mh or both. Its really nice but a bit on the pricey side.

What a nice Christmas gift. Amtsterdam. :mrgreen:

yeah your seedlings look nice. Especially for a new grower. I started before I was ready. I used to have 10 double fluorescents and hubby threw them out but I am deciding that it was probably the best thing 'cause now I can upgrade. I've always wanted something good.:peace:

This is your first grow right? If so, you're on a learning curve....keep in mind you're learning as you go. What I have found is that it's best to have your plan and equipment laid out before introducing plants - minimize shock and trauma to the plants.

I know what you mean - every grow needs a budget and it's easy to go over budge if you're not careful but you need good equipment for a decent operations for yourself.

My friend and I are in $5000 already and that is not including our trip to Amsterdam next Month.
I am getting really excited!!! Was out shopping for items for my grow room. Boy does it get pricey!!! So I know what you mean. But you know? It will be well worth it in the well as yours.


Well-Known Member
Ok today we added three more fans in the room but can only get the temp to go down to 79 with the door open and 84 with it closed?!??!?!? Any ideas on keeping temp down more? I think I am going to try moving the fans around a little.

Also here are some more pics the new plant growth is awesome as well as the seedlings!!!



Well-Known Member
Everything is looking awesome! the two more have sprouted and the bigger one looks even better!! More pics soon! The temp has also dropped and ranges between 76 and 80:joint::hump:


Active Member
you ever heard of starting your plants in a smaller box maybe with tin foil and the proper amont of lighting...this does wonders and helps get the plants started on the right foot....and remember the more light the better


Well-Known Member
Yes I have, I actually started my first batch similar to that and found that i got too hot. I am trying a variety of ways currently. Six starting in a little green house type thing in peat moss brick cube things. Another in a smaller pot in a soil-peatmoss mixture, and a the bigger one in a big pot. Currently I have plenty more then enough light and have five extra light bulbs that will be put in when needed.


Well-Known Member
The only problem I have been having is heat when adding more light. Right now it ranges between 77 and 80 with the lights i have now even more lights added to the heat. :neutral: so if I could find a way to cool this closet off without buying a portable air unit that would be awesome


Well-Known Member
Sorry I havnt updated in awhile, The CO2 system ended up having too much yeast in it and I ended up with dough everywhere in my grow room!!! :-| But it was fixed pretty quick and disposed of.
The plant is pretty big now with like 6 leaves and more coming from the center but all of the plants (including all of those that sprouted and have at least 4 leaves on them) Are leaning to the left and falling toward the soil. One was close to laying down even. I thought that this might be stretching so I moved the light closer to the plants in hopes of correcting the problem. Any Ideas? I Also plant on having pics up tommorrow!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I think everything might be ok right now, You should have seen the Dough everywhere ha ha I should have taken pictures! it was so funny. It looked like my plants were making christmas cookies:mrgreen: