"First" grow on a small budget

The beautiful thing about my PE is its from G13 Labs Feminized bongsmilie

I'm praying and sending all good vibes towards the 2week~ plant to be female. Don't see why it shouldn't be.

I've been thinking about a mother plant I might? If this mystery medical bagseed is as good as I'm hoping (and to be frank it smells already...) and it's female I make make it a mother.

I will be needing help on that though. Best way of doing it etc.
oh ok, AWSOME, make it a mother dude, are u able to do that? do u think down the road u will be able to afford to do that, get an additional 4 veg bulbs and keep it in a seperate area, then continue to use your closet as ur veg./flower area, you could even seperate your closet into two spaces, then u would have a veg. spot for new clones after they were rooted and a cloneing area, you could do a perpetual harvest and flower a couple plants every 2 weeks man. im getting ahead of myself in trying to teach u somethings lol. i like helping, and i love growing. lol plus rep for fem. seed score
It's iffy on that. That's probably why I'm in between on making a mother.
The whole reason behind a small budget is no job at the moment. I help my dad out with stuff around his business right now, but I don't really use money I make from him for my grow. Just a respect thing ya know.

I'll always take advice and help even if it is a little much I can always come back and read over what you've been teaching me. I really think that from this thread I can get a decent yield from my plants just from what I've learned.
Thankfully I've got a 8-9 week plant on my hands and I'm anxious to complete my closet and smoke some homegrown bud
ya for sure man, try not to get too anxious tho, u wanna make sure you harvest at the right time. i harvested my 2 first plants (autogrowers) a little early, mayb even 2 weeks early actually but i think i did fine. Still smoked nice and smooth. Wasnt any kush but i was still pleased with myself, looked and smoked nice. And i can understand not using the money u make from helping ur dad out. Thats good morals. Do u live with your father? I guess its safe to say he doesnt approve of marijuana? Im currently living with my dad cuz i have school and hes against it so im not growing right now, might try to outdoors tho if my buddy gets up here to help. I miss growing lol

oh and my display pic is my fatter autogrower i harvested out of the two, this one is "Mi5" and the other was "snowryder" off dopeseeds.com If u look it up i didnt do as good weight wise, but i feel the quality was still there. i prefered the snowryder smoke. I got about a quarter of each, almost 7 from the Mi5 and almost 6 with the snowryder
Well he knows i smoke and is meh about it. He hates that I do but i'm grown. I have my own ~800sqft area on his land. It's pretty awesome. I was stealth growing until he saw and well lets just say she survived and he was impressed. Pissed, but impressed nonetheless. I've kept them and he hasn't said anything but I'm keeping the morals of not using his money as much as possible. That's about the best I can do while looking for decent work.

Looks good man. i just checked on my PE and shes opened up yet but shes standing straight up. Im guessing by morning I'll have those first round leaves out.
lol thats nice man, my dads the same way. But out of respect i smoke at night and try to keep it from him and look for work all day, school is in september. I mean he knows i burn but long as he doesnt see me high then its ok. He knows about my growing and everything i did that in another city tho so im pretty depressed about not being able to grow, i would mayb test it but i cant even do that cuz this is him and his gfs place and me and her a knew to each other so i dont want to disrespect her. They are allowing me to stay here rent free while i attend college and help me get my license back thank god lol

and ya i hope everything goes smoothly cuz sometimes when u remove the shell a little early the two round leaves can still be stuck together, and its hard to say if the two leaves will seperate or not.
We all gotta get by somehow right? I'm going to try and get back to schooling soon but I'd like to have work first. hope you get to a point where you can grow again man. you have the knack for it!
We all gotta get by somehow right? I'm going to try and get back to schooling soon but I'd like to have work first. hope you get to a point where you can grow again man. you have the knack for it!

ya for sure, thanx man me too. Ya im trying to get working too, im literally broke so, gotta get saving and get my license back. Then ill have some opportunities. Lost my license when i was 19 DUI (wasnt bad, but stupid nonetheless). Havent had it since, too expensive of a process for me financially before so. N E HOW Live and Let Learn. I should probly burn n catch some Zs too man ttyl.
Word on that. I even had to switch to a lower grade for a bit just so i can be conservative. But hey it's good to change it up every once in awhile. Seeing as how I should have my own by May. Hoping I can get an interview at the head shop tomorrow so crossing fingers on that.

Burning myself to sleep hopefully.
Growing has gotten me so wired it's unreal, really enjoying the hobby tho.
Thanks man I appreciate it!

I tried picking up a 42watt daylight CFL today from homedepot but they don't carry them in store so I'm pretty bummed. My current bulb unfortunately is a 23w CFL but its an inbetween and only 3500k. Got a 2 pack of 23w 6500k and I'm thinking that will hold me over while I find the 42 or maybe 65 watt CFLs.
Checked my babies this morning (5 hours later :confused:) and was pleased to find this waiting for me in my box
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BUP BUP BUP! WHAD UP! nice dude, shes clearly got some good genetics in there. Champin it all the way baby! lol. Cloneing is easy but when it comes to starting seeds i get so worried so its so nice when it comes thru so perfectly like that. Take care of her, which im sure u will lol.
6500 is good dude, thats what i used to use for my cfls and they were only 23-26watts too, mine were kind of fancy tho, they had an "ionization process" to them that would help clean the surrounding air, $15 a bulb. The brand was called "sunblaster" got it at my local grow shop. And ya forgot, goodluck with the interview if u get one dude, tha'd b a perfect place to work.
Yeah buddy! My 17day old plant is looking like a beast. I'm hoping its a nice strain it smells very dank. Moreso than the one in my closet. Maybe it's just the confined space or could it be that this is an awesome strain? I'm guessing within a week I'll know if it is female.
Yeah buddy! My 17day old plant is looking like a beast. I'm hoping its a nice strain it smells very dank. Moreso than the one in my closet. Maybe it's just the confined space or could it be that this is an awesome strain? I'm guessing within a week I'll know if it is female.

well i would think that thats the smell from your "hope", when u go up and smell her it probly doesnt compare to the aroma in the air. Or yeah u could be exactly right, it could be that random one uve got going, could be a female (obviously there is no way to tell till u sex but i always like to think there is lol). Thats how i checked all my plants, i forget how many i had but they were ALL female it was intense i couldnt believe it, but i checked from smell and just wiping the leaves with my fingers and rubbing them together to c how sticky it was. little things like that, and i actually did a VERY good job of predicting every single plant and what kind it was before they got really big. Id say its too soon to tell with that one tho, too small still.
i was able to tell what strains i had were kush, and was even able to pic out the purple kush. And of course predicted they were female at that. Pretty looking, cemetric, rich in colour, stinky plants are usually female id like to think. But again, u just never know.
Well, from what you just said. I put my nose right next to it. It's definitely my new plant, and the leaves are sticky and have been sticky for a week.

If that's a pre-indicator on female then kick-ass!
Well, from what you just said. I put my nose right next to it. It's definitely my new plant, and the leaves are sticky and have been sticky for a week.

If that's a pre-indicator on female then kick-ass!

dam well there u go, good strain FOR SURE! looking forward to what comes:weed: