First Grow - Opinions? :)


New Member
So this is my first ever grow - i'm pretty sure my plants are relatively small, and for some reason the plant on the right has started to grow at a really slow rate. Im not sure why as it was growing fine before.

I have 2 autospeed bud plants - i don't have a regular watering routine, just do it when the soil is dry - i got given the bulb (pretty sure its a 250w CFL) - haven't checked pH of the soil / don't monitor it - I simply put them outside during the day and give artificial light for around 6 hours - i've given them miracle grow around 3 times.

They're around 6 weeks old, and i can see white hairs forming - how much are the lacking behind?

Any feedback is much appreciated - cheers :)


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Well-Known Member
Not to bad, I'm doing worse now and I had things seemingly perfect before. Tell me about your soil mix. Can you find a reflector for your light and orient it differently?


Well-Known Member
So this is my first ever grow - i'm pretty sure my plants are relatively small, and for some reason the plant on the right has started to grow at a really slow rate. Im not sure why as it was growing fine before.

I have 2 autospeed bud plants - i don't have a regular watering routine, just do it when the soil is dry - i got given the bulb (pretty sure its a 250w CFL) - haven't checked pH of the soil / don't monitor it - I simply put them outside during the day and give artificial light for around 6 hours - i've given them miracle grow around 3 times.

They're around 6 weeks old, and i can see white hairs forming - how much are the lacking behind?

Any feedback is much appreciated - cheers :)
I never have grown is soil, bit see alot thay don't ever PH either. My first light were 2 200 watt cfl like that with the big mogual base. They make reflectors that are just like for a HPS and the cfl screws in sideways give more light instead of upwards like you have. $40 if i recall. Sunblaster maybe is the brand. Google them they are not expensive.


Well-Known Member
So this is my first ever grow - i'm pretty sure my plants are relatively small, and for some reason the plant on the right has started to grow at a really slow rate. Im not sure why as it was growing fine before.

I have 2 autospeed bud plants - i don't have a regular watering routine, just do it when the soil is dry - i got given the bulb (pretty sure its a 250w CFL) - haven't checked pH of the soil / don't monitor it - I simply put them outside during the day and give artificial light for around 6 hours - i've given them miracle grow around 3 times.

They're around 6 weeks old, and i can see white hairs forming - how much are the lacking behind?

Any feedback is much appreciated - cheers :)
Nice work!
Don't look at it like they are lagging behind. Doing the best you can and improving each grow is what it's all about. I like that you do not have a regular schedule for watering.
Good Luck!

Skeet Kuhn Dough

Well-Known Member
So this is my first ever grow - i'm pretty sure my plants are relatively small, and for some reason the plant on the right has started to grow at a really slow rate. Im not sure why as it was growing fine before.

I have 2 autospeed bud plants - i don't have a regular watering routine, just do it when the soil is dry - i got given the bulb (pretty sure its a 250w CFL) - haven't checked pH of the soil / don't monitor it - I simply put them outside during the day and give artificial light for around 6 hours - i've given them miracle grow around 3 times.

They're around 6 weeks old, and i can see white hairs forming - how much are the lacking behind?

Any feedback is much appreciated - cheers :)
1) Stop using miracle grow if at all possible. Order some nutrients or find a local hydroponic store. GH Flora Series works for hydro and soil. There's three different bottles. Google will help you figure out how to obtain them. I have bought them on Amazon..... as well as an entire setup.

2) I've never grown in soil, but you should invest in a PH pen regardless. PH is important, more so in hydro, but important nonetheless. You may find yourself wanting to adjust the PH of the water, with the nutrients in them, to the optimal amount.

3) I have done an autoflower grow in hydro before. You aren't giving them enough light! They will do their thing regardless of the light cycle, it is a trait from their ruderalis heritage, a desired effect if autos are your thing. ***You need to be giving them 18 hours of light.*** I can't stress that enough. Autos need tons of light because they are doing so much in such a small amount of time. You're using a CFL, and a 250w CFL at that. You might consider just leaving that light on 24/7 for your girls.

4) 2 major takeaways:
-Get some good nutes. Your girls will thank you. If you do a little research, you'll see that pundits agree that Miracle Grow just ain't where its at for cannabis.
-Leave that low energy using CFL on for AT LEAST 18 hrs. 24 hours won't hurt and is better; a 250w CFL shouldn't put a dent in your electric bill.

5) Good luck and god bless.

Sexx Pistils

Active Member
Looks good! My auto took until Week 3 to stop looking stunted. It wasn't until I raised my CFL bulbs higher & put her on a 20/4 lighting schedule (increased from 14/10) that she started to take off. She didn't like it when the bulb was on the same level with her--she wanted it directly above her head.

The bigger CFL bulbs like that are less efficient than the ones that are 45 watts & under. If you could add even one more bulb & socket, it would do a world of good. 2700k or 6500k would do; doesn't really matter. CFLs tend to be kinda weak in the first place so you need as many as possible if that's all you're gonna use...especially once flowering starts. And they need to be about 1-4" from the spot you're trying to light because they become useless at greater distances.

Beyond that, I dunno what more could be done right now. Nutrients are good but only if you know how to use them without burning your plant (I don't so I don't use them at all). I just use natural amendments like grass clipping tea & aquarium water which has worked fine so far.

But yeah, I think your girls look dandy!


So this is my first ever grow - i'm pretty sure my plants are relatively small, and for some reason the plant on the right has started to grow at a really slow rate. Im not sure why as it was growing fine before.

I have 2 autospeed bud plants - i don't have a regular watering routine, just do it when the soil is dry - i got given the bulb (pretty sure its a 250w CFL) - haven't checked pH of the soil / don't monitor it - I simply put them outside during the day and give artificial light for around 6 hours - i've given them miracle grow around 3 times.

They're around 6 weeks old, and i can see white hairs forming - how much are the lacking behind?

Any feedback is much appreciated - cheers :)
I had two plants I took outside then put in dark to flower, then back and forth inside then outside etc be very careful of the dreaded spider mites they screwed up both plants, I got a grow tent, it is perfect. Oh and be very sanitary


New Member
Thanks to everyone that replied! - i've ordered the reflector part for the light & just looking into purchasing another bulb along with the nutrients suggested.

Fortunately i'm able to grow on my roof, which helps my plants keep away from a majority of critters / insects etc - However, my smaller plant has continued not to grow & this morning i found some yellowing on leaves near the bottom Node.

2 Weeks back i thought i had spider mites, but turned out i was just over reacting to any signs on my plant, but regardless i removed the bottom 2 leaves - is this the reason the bottom is no longer developing & now decaying?

i know its not recommended, but i also feel that the pot is too small and i'm tempted to replant it into a similar size pot as the other plant - any pointers again will be much appreciated. Cheers :)



Thanks to everyone that replied! - i've ordered the reflector part for the light & just looking into purchasing another bulb along with the nutrients suggested.

Fortunately i'm able to grow on my roof, which helps my plants keep away from a majority of critters / insects etc - However, my smaller plant has continued not to grow & this morning i found some yellowing on leaves near the bottom Node.

2 Weeks back i thought i had spider mites, but turned out i was just over reacting to any signs on my plant, but regardless i removed the bottom 2 leaves - is this the reason the bottom is no longer developing & now decaying?

i know its not recommended, but i also feel that the pot is too small and i'm tempted to replant it into a similar size pot as the other plant - any pointers again will be much appreciated. Cheers :)
I bought 5 five gallon (green) buckets at Walmart 3.45 ea seed went straight into happy frog soil, using galaxyhydro 300 w plants are excellent! Transplanting to me is a hassle

Skeet Kuhn Dough

Well-Known Member
Thanks to everyone that replied! - i've ordered the reflector part for the light & just looking into purchasing another bulb along with the nutrients suggested.

Fortunately i'm able to grow on my roof, which helps my plants keep away from a majority of critters / insects etc - However, my smaller plant has continued not to grow & this morning i found some yellowing on leaves near the bottom Node.

2 Weeks back i thought i had spider mites, but turned out i was just over reacting to any signs on my plant, but regardless i removed the bottom 2 leaves - is this the reason the bottom is no longer developing & now decaying?

i know its not recommended, but i also feel that the pot is too small and i'm tempted to replant it into a similar size pot as the other plant - any pointers again will be much appreciated. Cheers :)
Consider starting out with half the suggested dosage amounts of the nutrients that the directions on the bottles give you. General Hydroponics has a feeding chart online that gives directions. Like I said, it would be very wise to start out at half-strength, @Jibba202


New Member
All is going well - However i forgot to water my seedling a few days ago and left the grow light on. The leaves turned yellow at the bottom i think because of chronic underwatering and its started flowering already?
Should i just scrap it or shall i persist? i've posted a picture below - cheers :)


Silvio Dante

Active Member
I wouldn't worry about the repotting personally at this point, I reckon you're more likely to shock them than you are to help them that far on (I could be wrong though, no experience with repotting) as I quite literally plant the seedling straight out of rockwool into its final container. They never ever have any problems taking.

Given your overall grow time I wouldn't worry about them getting pot-bound (no pun intended) as they're not gonna stay alive long enough for that to matter.

As for that seedling that is perfectly salvageable, don't let her go yet. Hard to tell from the picture but it doesn't look like its flowering to me? Though given they are autos, I'd trust your judgement as the grower over mine as the observer.

I couldn't agree more with the scrapping of Miracle Grow if that is what has been used (or indeed any peat based medium). I am a strong advocate of Coco Coir for it contains no nutrients and no pests, just nice bouncy coco fibers that help solid root growth and drains quickly giving better than average oxygenation to the roots (mine are much larger than yours at half the time for having grown under a 600w HPS)

The benefit to using coco is that you can nute it up from the word go and really have full control of the plants life cycle without concerning yourself with any additives in the soil (and dreaded pest larvae)