First grow outdoor soil questions


New Member
Hello all, I'm currently in the process of setting up my first ever garden and grow project and I would appreciate any and all input on my soil. I built three 6'x6'x2' (65sqft) garden boxes and I'm planning on put one plant in each box. I lined the bottom of my grow box with chicken wire to keep anything out and also a mesh liner to keep weeds out and keep good drainage. My friend is giving me three plants of girl scout cookies. He's been tremendous help but he is busy and I don't want to bug him with constant questions and I have a lot of questions. First: why is soil so expensive?!?!

At first I was planning on using fox farm products but soon realized how expensive it is so I did some research and starting putting my own recipe together but then realized its still really expensive to fill these boxes. Next I found a company not too far from me and the price is right at roughly $53 a yard which will cost me roughly $400 to fill these boxes so now I just need to make a decision. These are the two soil blends I'm trying to choose between:

1. Ultra POTTING Mix
Our premier coconut coir based potting soil. Coconut coir is an environmentally friendly alternative to peat moss. Fertilizers are pre-blended so this soil is ready to use.
Contains: Coconut Coir, Sand, Red Lava, Dolomite Lime, Nitroform 38-0-0, Iron Sulfate, Triple Superphosphate, Calcium Nitrate

2. Ultra BEDDING Mix
Excellent for pots or filling raised planters. Can be used for flowerbeds and general landscape plants. This soil uses coconut coir as an alternative to peat moss.
Contains: Coconut Coir, Greenwaste Compost, Rice Hulls, Chicken Manure, Grape Compost, Red Lava, Sandy Loam

Im also looking into buy some bat guano to put at the bottom of my grow box or just mix it in with the blend. whatever's better you tell me....

So my question is which is the best blend for me and why? Also, should I add any fertilizers and nutrients to my blend? If so what kind, how to do it, how much, and why?

I should also add that my sunlight is not the greatest but thats what I have to work with so I must do my best.

Thanks you in advance and best regards



Well-Known Member
Since it's your first time I suggest you hedge your investment & just buy the best premium soil you can find. It's less trouble & it will pay off in the end. You don't want to waste all of your time & effort because you made a mistake with the soil to begin with. Give yourself a running start & pay for the good soil.
Try to find something like this....
Good luck
P.S. Let Timmy Smoke;)
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Well-Known Member
I hate to seem like a simpleton...but any good garden soil will work. Imake my own...Nothing special..Roughly equal amts of leaf mold, compost and topsoil with a handful of crushed charcoal. es todo...
...and be careful of "too hot" of soil when you start your seeds. The babies can nute burn fairly easily


Well-Known Member
I agree with the the most famous virtually unknown member...... K I S S you don't want your first attempt to be one that you remember because of all the challenges.
Learn to crawl then learn to walk and then learn to run. I think a lot of people tend to start off to fast and that's not a knock against you hell everything may fall rite into place for you and you could have a very productive grow and I hope you do.....I will say this. Anywhere I can use native soil I tend to incorporate that into my final mix bottom line it can save you some time and money.....once again Good Luck !


Active Member
you say u don't get much sun light, no matter what soil u use u will not get desired results without good sunlight. with out all day full sun u will not have dense buds and will b inviting problems.