First Grow: Outdoor Wonder Garden!


Active Member
So here it is, the first time i get to put my enthusiasm and excitement into growing! It's been going since mid march now and the outcome is incredible! i will admit i have taken as much time and effort as possible to research/ask around/test things out and so far i have learned quite a bit. pictures and stories and updates as well as info on nutes and feeding schedules will all be posted :) pics can be expected today or tomorrow!


Active Member
so my seeds were all mystery seeds from the past 5 years of smoking. the seeds were stashed in a tiny cork top mason jar and kept in the dark. i lost about 1/6 of my total seedlings in germinating and lost only 10 total so far to male tendencies. i started them at different times over the last few months so some are bigger than others as well as farther along. the early girls are going to be much bigger than the others but grow big seems to be helpin them along just fine. i feel, tho i did this accidentally, it will help make harvest time easier. 1 started flowering week and a half ago and another about 3 days ago.

as the first girls were growing i used sensi grow a+b as well as nfzyme (for those going "huh?" nfzyme is the mother of all rooting and veg concentrates) i used this for half of my girls and they are biiiiiig (largest is about 10-12 ft) about a month and a half ago i switched to grow big and it seems equally as awesome. the sensi starter regiment was about every 7-10 days tho the weather was much cooler and the ground stayed moist longer. the grow big schedule is about every 5-7 days. i havent ph'ed anything so far and im hoping i dont have any nutrient lock. i bought some tester and ph up/down today so i can try to avoid any problems during flowering. i need to test my soil and my water supply but after all that im gonna shoot for a 6.5-7 ph as ive seen some outdoor posters saying that that was a good level :) wish me luck ppl and be ready for those pics!


Active Member
also i heard from a "neighbor" the soil is 6.3 so with our hose water and grow big mixing to a solid 6.6 and the flora nova bloom comin in at 5 (thank you ph up, i coulda fed her that low all the way thru) now i got my eye on my nutes :) watcha think guys!


Active Member
so far ive been able to deduce that one is bubblegum kush, 3 are possibly bubba kush, one is def a trainwreck. still waitin to see what the others grow into :) im also happy things are not flowering all at the same time. thats just too much work for me ;) hopefully the harvest will be over the course of 2 months. who knows idk what these plants are or how long they will flower. but i am only nuting the flowerers for 6 weeks before flushing and straight watering. dates all set for that on the calendar :) i loooove my girls i really do. this has been soooo exciting so far.

cloning is going well for me. rootech is the shit for sure. and thank you jorge for all your wisdom. ph 5 clone water all day. also fuuuuuuuck the caterpillars. i did a 1 tsp/gal mix of safer brand caterpillar killer and the next day i found like 3 or 4 on my bubblegum :/ i waited an extra day then gave em a 3tsp/gal mix and hopefully when i go out to see em today theyll be pot-pillar free :D happy tree smoking everyone!


Active Member
ty ty :D my very first +rep i are very stoked! the caterpillars seem to be gone for now, 2 more days and ill do a serenade spray. got a 4gal backpack sprayer XD no fuckin around. thinking after a week im gonna do a neem oil or organocide spray just to keep the mites n thrips away. and before all you "pros" jump on me for using organocide im more than five weeks from harvest on any of my plants and i know how to use the organocide ;P so dont fret for me ive used it several times (the key is to shake the sprayer the whole time you spray). well im off for now gotta go buy some soil and check the clones :) happy farming!


Looking fantastic!!!... Im so jealous that u can just through up an outdoor garden and dont have to worry. the one im doing is completly stealth currently but like u said i LOVE GROWING and it is very currently waiting for my plants to show there sex as they were all from good seed.


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yup yup half my girls have started their flowering process (ones halfway through XD) and they are all 100% female. they are all so much bigger than me now im trying to upload some newer photos but im having a little trouble transferring them atm. soon tho :) and they have grown a lot!


Active Member
got some new ones here i know its been a while n man have they grown :) as you can see i like to take my daughter to the secret garden while shes still young :) all my daughters get along together :)

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