First Grow Photo Shoot?


I don't have any problems necessarily, But i need some advice haha.. Im looking to move these boys to a green house ( Er girls please god :hump: lol )

Based on the pics, wondering when is the best time to do this, think they are tough enough?

Also, Just wanted to see what you guys think. The 3 bigger ones are bad seed ( STANKY) and the rest are KUSH!! Thankss guys :)

P.S. Too youung to see there gender? If anyone can spot out what they are , that would be helpfull since im straight up noobie. Oh yeah, and any helpfull cristism or tips would be great


Id say its too soon to tell the sex. I would transplant ASAP, or are you planning on leaving them as-is?


Well I want to wait another week, But how come ASAP? Thanks for the quick reply by the way bro. I am going to put them into large pots + Should I throw the small one in the green house or wayy to soon?