First grow(pics at a later date)


Well-Known Member
Ok so I started my first grow about 6 weeks ago, It WAS meant to be lowryder only, But i messed up and all died but one, and it was male so i chopped him up...

My grow space is 4.5 feet high X 2 feet deep X 3 feet wide, I'm using a 250 watt hps with reflector and the walls are covered in mylar, At the moment I have 4 beutiful babies in my grow room, One of which i am sure is female as It is showing female preflowers after only 3 weeks of being under the light....She is about 6 inches tall and really nice and bushy with small white trichs showing on the leafs already,

I have another who i suspect may be female, Although she isn't showing any preflowers yet, she is growing well and even, she is about 6 inches tall too, and pretty bushy

Another is retarded and growing all fucked up because the temps were too high in there for a while, I only recently put an oscillating fan in there and it seems to have cooled the space right down, she(hopefully) is around the same height but looks messed up

and the other is still only a seedling....

Basically my question is, Should i be able to go the whole grow with just an oscillating fan and leaving the door slightly open for ventilation?And what size pots should I have them in,Also would it be a good idea to do a scrog? since i know for sure at least one of my plants r female, and how much could i expect for a scrog if most of that space was filled and flowered under a 250w hps?

I was thinking if i get another female, I could take her out and flower each female individually while vegging the other one on the windowsil for a while to increase the harvest a little bit??

Any tips or suggestions would be great....


Active Member
You should try a CFL or two to enhance Day/UV spectra and increase final yield... Looks like you'll have a good one already..


Well-Known Member only have a fan in there? its probably too hot in there and keeping the door open slightly isn't a good idea. You need soem kind of ventilation that sucks air in from one side and vents out the other side. Vegging one of them through a windowsil after it being in a indoor grow may cause it to turn hermi, so if your going to vegg one longer you need to flower the others away from it somehow.