First Grow...PICS!!! Feedback Please.


Hey my first grow... just wandering what people think...2 Questions, They fan leaves that are brown on the ends... should i cut the brown off so it isn't wasting energy trying to heal it or wat? and How long do u think i should wait until transplant to outdoors? Pictures of my grow setup will be coming shortly... within the week because it is in process of being built. Please Give Me Feedback.



Well-Known Member
you could do either way, but from the looks, its already healed the spot the best it will, if you were to cut it I wouldn't cut past the brown area since it will make a fresh wound for the plant to have to focus energy on.

I would assume to wait until the area you live in is getting at least 18 hours of daylight before transplanting outdoors.


Active Member
yea dont cut anything off the babies it will only stress em
and yea wait for them to get stronger and the days to get longer before heading outside. if your setup can support it wait till the plants are like a foot tall and have a stronger stem


Well-Known Member
I wait till the leaf dies then take it all. I think you'll see it will yellow back from where you cut it. That is if you cut into the green.