First grow (pics)


Well-Known Member
It's looking good, I wanna keep a lil picture log of every 48 hr. So I'll have some fresh pics up tomorrow. Right now I'm just accepting any insight and advice from others : ] Thnx for asking tho : ]


Well-Known Member
The third pic is so bad, it just happened under my nose.

Any one have any advice?



Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! Just on my usual update.
Since two days ago, and since my lil bug problem, I have seem to gain a sense of control over the problem.

Now it seems I have yet another problem. My leaves are green, which I love to look at, yet the stems are a slight pinkish purple, and the leaves are a little bit droopy. My baby looks sick, and now I have no clue why.

If anyone is following this thread, please leave a little advice, or words of encouragement.




Well-Known Member
my plants are 1 week younger than your and about 4x their size, so I would say they are not growing too fast, and thats strange since plants should grow faster with hydro than I with dirt

they don't look hungry, or burned or anything, so i'd say you don't have enough light


Well-Known Member
How many sets of leaves do you have? I'm probably on my 5th set now. I don't think it's a light thing, or they'd be growing lanky, correct?


Well-Known Member
well it is hard to tell, cuz the plants are really thick, and in the top where new leaves are born it is a mess, last time I checked the plants 3 days ago the were just starting their 6 or 7th set of leaves

they broke soil on the 29 last month


Well-Known Member
Wow man, good shit.
I think I may have found a problem. My solution was filthy I mean BADDDD I cleaned it all out (which was a pain in the ass). I think I'll be changing the solution every week or so.

ddriver if you don't mind me asking. How far are you keeping your 400w HPS?


Well-Known Member
ummm pretty close I guess, about 16 inches from the plants, they don't seem to mind but my room is cool right now and that keeps temps down


Well-Known Member
just use your hand, if you can feel warmth radiating from the lamp it is too close

also use a thermometer, place it on some plant top, and if your temps exceed 32 degree it is probably too close


New Member
Sweet man.Here is my first indoor and first hydro grow.
As you can see I have a ez-clone 60 a homemade aeroponic
system and a aeroflo2 20.