First Grow! PiCS!


Active Member
Good job bro..look a little stretched (move lights closer)..but lookin' good..way to go time top those MOFO's to get more bush..looks like you got all the nutes and shit close..Lookin healthy.

Is that Afghan Kush?
THanks man its my first grow and been learning as I go I purchased these off a well known grower in my area. 1 is Afghan goo , astro boy , super skunk, blue bombic plague. I think my plants have out grown my tent as I was hoping for nice weather bye now to transfer them outside but the weather here isn't permiting me to. thinking of transferring them out of the grow tent into a larger area so the light is spread more even. any tips would be great!


Active Member
Hmm..dont know if transfering them after 2 months is a good idea..might slow it down as it will shock the plant..why not just Flower them now in the tent?..of course you can do it (outside)..but in my own experiences..Bugs tend to cling onto an indoor grown plant when taken it is a virgin (Just from my own experiences doing it may vary)..if you puttin them outdoors..I would suggest keeping them in you can bring them in when needed..Just bend and tie them. no space is too small :)
Ok what do you mean bye bend and tie lol? and I plan on keeping them in Pots and moving them in and out! and your right bugs LOVE them so I was told neem oil works great tried it after bringing them in and noticed lil black nats clinging for dear life to them 1 spray and next morning nothing. but back to bending and tieing lol :)


Active Member
He means low stress training to get the plant more bushy to produce multiple main sites instead of one main bud site. Do some searches on LST bro.
o wow ok I got a general idea now on what needs to be done. You guys are awesome thanks! also im using Part A Sensi bloom and B and I use fox farms soil and I use an added bat guano when feeding but I use the bat guano addition 1 time a week but feed it nutrients every other day or so now is this a proper way of feeding them ? I have let them dry up a lil like 2-3 times a month to strengthin the plant if it does stress out. also is this good? thanks fellas!
Did just as you 2 fellas said took some of the nice shoots and pointed them down some and staked/tied them to pot. now lets see if magic happends :)