First grow, plant wilting/stopped growth

Hi, I've been looking around some of the forums but I'm still not quite sure what's exactly wrong with my plant so thought it'd be easier to just get some pictures up and ask for some advice. First few weeks was litterally grown naturally in a small pot in normal gardening soil on my window sill, then had to move into a cupboard and bigger pot after about a month or so. Only using a small single CFL light due to space mainly, was on 18/6 for 3 or 4 months, then to 12/12. Starting budding, seemed fine then about 2 months ago started to badly wilt, stem almost snapped under weight of top buds, all the leaves started dropping off etc. I've changed the light to 16 on and 8 off, flushed the root system and been using sprays of water to try keep the leaves wet and she's got a bit more rigid and green, but still very wilting and no signs of progression.
The CFL is only 60w, was using a small mount of organic seaweed fertilizer in water until the other month, the cupboard is next to a radiator and was closed for a long time which obviously wouldn't help, but even with keeping it open and ventilated and the leaves wet there's been no real improvement. The ph is definitely slightly acidic, but it didn't seem very much and I didn't want to start trying to do things and make stuff worse before I got some advice.
I've no idea what strain she is, and I realise given the conditions was never gonna work well, but would be nice to have something out of her at the end and to see if I can actually do it.
Cheers for any and all advice anyway.


Ok fair enough should be able to get hold of another CFL in the next day or two.
Anyone any other advice? A lot of the smaller branches are just seeming to dry out and dry despite being well watered, really not sure what's going on and she definitely looks like she's dying to me.


Active Member
damn that girl is dead..
it looks alot like too hot of temp or underwatering but if you claim their both fine then im stumped.
did it start to do that after you cut all of those lower branches off???
i ask because theres stored nutrients in those and plants need them to take in light. the bigger the plant the more light is needed they cant live on just the tops taking in light so maybe that was the problem. that pot looks too small as well maybe roots hit bottom and got strangled
you wouldnt be as healthy if you cut off your limbs would you?


Well-Known Member
Shouldnt of cut shit off of it and look like a mix of stretching/ underwatering or over/ severe heat stress/ not enough light. You need about 4-8 CFL's not 2. If not more... Just add as many as you can pretty much I mean come on there cheap!
Well I'd be really surprised if it was under watering because the soil still feels relatively moist just an inch or two down, but I will try giving her a little more. The overheating though I can definitely understand, she's growing pretty much on top of a radiator and I can't move her anywhere else because of where I am right now, also means I don't really have space for many lights at all, but I'll definitely get at least another one or two as soon as.
No I actually just took the branches off which didn't have any green leaves or growth left at all and just felt dry and dead, but I see what you mean. I've moved her a half a foot away which is the best I can do unfortunately, just seems odd because she was fine up until a little while ago.
Well never figured I'd really get anything out of this attempt anyway, moving in a month or two so should be able to make a much better attempt at least. Just feel guilty and sorry for her.