First grow... Please fill free to comment...Only helpful advice


Well-Known Member
lookin good, the first pic with brown looks more like a nute solution was spilt on the leafs, does not look like mold. whats ur ph you water with
So i have been fighting this dam comp Virus shit now for a few days sorry i have not been on...
The centers of the bigger leafs all are turning yellow and thin. And they went up to 30mils of each to 2 let... they did not burn really a few tips got yellow.. so next time i will cut it a little and see if that happens again.
And good info on the sexing tricks... i know how to tell but i did not know about the water... and it would take me moving the cuttings to flower them my hps is not set up yet.
Also my nuts are pH perfect... and i use good tap water from the area.


Hey nice work you got going here.It seems like your unsure of strain is this true?
either way in your description it sounds like ones more sativa and ones way more indica(the fat leaves indica) if you werent sure
i seen your thinking about going to the mh 400 or 600 (2 high to go back and read)DO THIS IMMEDIATELY!!!
your plants will love you for it and with only one light and your already cool temps youll get great growth

Fimming is fucking awesome keep practicing if i were you it take cuttings as soon as theyre 2 months old and showing signs and start practicing fimming and maybe look up some good guides on it to get a better understanding its way better to know both fimming and topping and even better to know when to use which

keep up the good work
just remember to watch your nuting its looking a lil high to me especially if you bought good soil like foxfarm as its soo rich it dont need extra nutes for 2-3 months ATLEAST


Well-Known Member
A FIM is a failed attempt top that every one seems to think is better then topping when really it cause more stress for no reason. if u look around on some fim guide theri will very experienced growers in theri also saying fim is worthless and just top or lst. u cand o what u want but im just tryin to help
Thank you both for Ur comments... i Had heard though my reading (the cannabis grow bible by Greg green)that Fim was better .. but next time i will try just topping.

About the light i have a 600w HPS sun system Eco grow ballistic and a 8'in air cooled reflecter XL subsystem so i would have to buy a Mh convertion bulb close to 50k lum.... vs the 6 lamp t8 6500k spectum for 17k lum.


Well-Known Member
that book you read has some good info in it but it was made only to generate money for himself. and i would just use reg hps bulb why switch it up
So i think i could take a cutting from each one of them now... but only one or two... so i have to wait BUT I DON'T WANT and would the 600w hps make them grow any faster then the fluorescent light.And could the nuts be effecting there growth i watered them last night just water.(there drying out by ever 3nd day they start to droop)

I don't care about light color right now... i just want to grow these big enough so i can take cuttings and toss away all the males.

Also just because i am anxious.. does not mean i will miss treat them at all (i understand any corner cutting will in the end hurt the final product)


Well-Known Member
yes the more light the faster growth. i would just veg under the floro though it will save a lil extra cash. and nutes are supposed to help them grow are they growin slow or somthin. and u dont want you plant to droop before u water again u want to water right before they start to droop
yea they slowed growth this last week...and they don't droop a lot and i check the soil all the time (i was told letting them get a little dry before water will make them send more roots out)
I will get pics up soon.(hopefully tonight)


Well-Known Member
yes let them get dry but not bone dry, u want some moisture in theri or they will droop wich causes stress.
So they reached a foot i took some cuttings, someone gave me 2 clones (put them into the cloner) one is ATF.. the others some purple Hawaiian stuff
So i will see what comes out mine look nice and the 2 others look a little sick but there bounce back
Maybe pics later
So... at least 3/5 females. the other 2 have not shown... there sisters that where with someone else where cleaned and placed next to them in the 12/12 room. mine ARE HUGE COMPARED NOW (hope to have pics up and the hps/flowering is making them explode)
What should i use to flower with (i am using sensi grow A+B still) but i think i should go with the BIG BUD/BUD CANDY... Any advice?

Also the clones in the 5 gal bucket seem to be just staying the same, the ATF is temperamental, and the purple Hawaiian looks good but i Fucking broke the steam when i was changing the ice bottles(to keep temp low). but i re cut and started it again (it should be ok) the lid is white and i was warned there could be light pollution.(can that stop the rooting?)



Well-Known Member
well i do 5 gal cuz i want to ensure they have enough root space, but 3 should be fine if they are in 1 gallons right now, plus its less soil and less room takin up. check your roots though it wont stress them to do so if your gentle if they look all bound at the bottom then they need it