First grow/Post! Purple Urkle


I got a 4'' exhaust cut out in the top left hand side of the box, which i got an 80cfm exhaust fan for. The fan is blowing in my intake just to move air around for right now, but once i get the fan mounted inside the intake is going to be passive. So i cut it bigger to make sure I'm bringing in enough fresh air. I've always read you want a bigger intake than exhaust for passive.

Peace and Pot
Lookin good!! Its kind of nostalgic to look at your youngins. I've always grown outdoors before now, so this time around was my first opportunity to watch my babies on a day to day basis. lookin at your pics makes me anxious to start a new crop and watch 'em jump out of the dirt all over again!!

l.s.d smoker

Active Member
I got a 4'' exhaust cut out in the top left hand side of the box, which i got an 80cfm exhaust fan for. The fan is blowing in my intake just to move air around for right now, but once i get the fan mounted inside the intake is going to be passive. So i cut it bigger to make sure I'm bringing in enough fresh air. I've always read you want a bigger intake than exhaust for pas

Peace and Pot
ok well dont know where you wud have herd that ask any respectible hydro shop and they will say bigger for out take. aint my first grow and i have friends in the hydro buisness with 20 years expirence with 1 ov the best and most respectible shops for kit and advice. check my grow m8 ne box for a room got a full grow set up with sum ov the best kit on the market(indoor grow. ak 48 from nirvana), just tryen ta help a first timer but as per usual the first timer knows best as i thougth a did when i first startd.

all the best.


ok well dont know where you wud have herd that ask any respectible hydro shop and they will say bigger for out take. aint my first grow and i have friends in the hydro buisness with 20 years expirence with 1 ov the best and most respectible shops for kit and advice. check my grow m8 ne box for a room got a full grow set up with sum ov the best kit on the market(indoor grow. ak 48 from nirvana), just tryen ta help a first timer but as per usual the first timer knows best as i thougth a did when i first startd.

all the best.
I'm not saying i know best by any means, you may be mis-guided. There will be no fan on my intake bringing air in, it will just be a hole with ducting running in. Every forum i read is saying for a Passive intake/Active exhaust you want the intake to be slightly bigger than your exhaust. I'm not saying i know more, i know the learning process is endless and i am just starting. But when everyone else is saying the opposite of you, i think i will go with majority.

Peace and Pot