first grow problems


New Member
Hey guys just recently started my first indoor grow seeds germinated just fine and about a week after transferring to the soil still no progress I had a buddy water them for me cuz I was out of town for a few days a d he used refrigerated purified drinking water not sure if that is wat caused them to stop or if it was the soil all help is greatly appreciated thanks!



pictures of the plants would be helpful, and if it was refrigerated water it could've shocked them if it was too cold, somebody with more knowledge could pipe in and be alittle more helpful what kinda lights, area, if they got shocked that early wight stunt them for a little while but they should bounce back


Well-Known Member
There could be a myriad of reasons for your seedlings slow growth. I should know I've fucked up more seedlings that I would like to admit. Cover all your bases and it should recover. Make sure your temps are in the proper range, let the soil dry nicely before you add more water, and keep your light at a proper range for a seedling.


New Member
I have everything right I believe im wondering if the cold water shocked them but never heard anything about thw soil its just a cheapo starter mix wasn't sure of that would have had anything to do with it also I have heard of trying to thin out ffof soil which I have but wouldn't really know how to do that thanks