first grow!!

the mook

hi all =) comming to the end of my 5th week from seed,and end of first week of flowering.(had to force before preflowers,alternating nodes,running low on height room :-P) well the strain is big bud,i jumped on the "want as much as i can" boat,but have quickly learned thats not suited to maybe something a little shorter for next time, any way here are my dolls..let me know what you lot think. bongsmilie


the mook

stays around the 22-25 mark.on hot days it goes to around 30 .in some of the pics iv just sprayed the leaves so maybe thats what ur seeing?


Well-Known Member
im sorry but what is that in Fahrenheit? and no im refering to the bottom witheredish leaves on a couple of the pics. looks amazing other than that tough, i wish i had those genetics for my first grow :P

the mook

you have to make some adjustments..
all your tips are bent downward.. and some burns..

keep'm growing
yeah i noticed that alright.that was early on,that was the bottom half,i got my feeding all messed up and watering,but the top half seems to be doing a lot better.
but ill glady take suggestions =)

the mook

im sorry but what is that in Fahrenheit? and no im refering to the bottom witheredish leaves on a couple of the pics. looks amazing other than that tough, i wish i had those genetics for my first grow :P
no probs in fahrenheit its 71-77 ..and on a hot day around 82


Well-Known Member
oh alright, its not that then. like that dude said, some nute adjustments would probably fix it up. ill be watching this thread, i would love to see these ladies go all the way.


Rebel From The North
not sure if its your lights are to close but 82 is hot and they look heat stressed. try raising your light or lights
and get some fresh air moving in there!!


Well-Known Member
I haven't posted here for years!

What's your room humidity .. looks like a tight space .. I'm guessing that the plant's cannot transpire water quick enough from the leaves .. I've had similar looking plants in the past, most often in confined spaces .. what's your air flow like? would be great if you had an RH meter and was able to monitor the humidity in that space . is the air thick with water when you stick your head in? i.e is there a noticeable difference between the thinness of the air in another room compared to the heavy air in your grow space? .. My leaves took on that appearance the most when I ran hydro/nft in a 2mx1.5mx1.5m box .. It's ok in veg but might give you problems in bloom; problems such as mould ..

like i say, I haven't posted here for a long while and haven't grown anything for around 24 months now .. I'm hoping someone can verify my comment

the mook

not sure if its your lights are to close but 82 is hot and they look heat stressed. try raising your light or lights
and get some fresh air moving in there!!
well 82 is on a hot day,which is rare here haha.but i recently put in a 150 watt cfl,and it has dried out the soil pretty quick,but the growth has been very noticable,
iv put it on a timer for 6hours of my 12/12 to keep heat levels down, is this a good idea? (i have another 4 cfl 100watts going aswell)

the mook

I haven't posted here for years!

What's your room humidity .. looks like a tight space .. I'm guessing that the plant's cannot transpire water quick enough from the leaves .. I've had similar looking plants in the past, most often in confined spaces .. what's your air flow like? would be great if you had an RH meter and was able to monitor the humidity in that space . is the air thick with water when you stick your head in? i.e is there a noticeable difference between the thinness of the air in another room compared to the heavy air in your grow space? .. My leaves took on that appearance the most when I ran hydro/nft in a 2mx1.5mx1.5m box .. It's ok in veg but might give you problems in bloom; problems such as mould ..

like i say, I haven't posted here for a long while and haven't grown anything for around 24 months now .. I'm hoping someone can verify my comment
its tight enough alright.maybe ill build something a little bigger =) the humidity is around 50-70 the air isnt that thick,the setup is in the attic and its kinda "breezy" up there so i didnt put a fan in (starting to regret that idea) ill leave the door open for a hour or so from time to time to let fresh air in/out.


Well-Known Member
so there is an air-flow arrangement happening in in your attic?

hmmm .. you shouldn't need to open the door if the air-flow is reaching your plants .. do you have a grow journal with your growroom configuration description or pics?


Active Member
i run my lights late afternoon to early morning so the heat stays around 75... i had my watering and heat problems the first few weeks and it shows on the bottom portion too.. floros do have a decent amount of heat at about 1-2 inches, a small fan can quickly dissipate the heat , if you dont have a fan, you should get some ..

the mook

so there is an air-flow arrangement happening in in your attic?

hmmm .. you shouldn't need to open the door if the air-flow is reaching your plants .. do you have a grow journal with your growroom configuration description or pics?
well yes there is constant air flow in the attic (big ass draft) hahah.but i think your right,ill put a fan in and see how that changes things..i havnt a grow journal on the site but i do at home.
ill discribe it as best i can
iv four cfl's 100 watt
one 150 watt cfl
the box there in is 3 foot high and 16inchs width (painted white)
miricle grow ( i know =)
and bottled water with ph level of 6.8 (i know its a little high but im was suspecting the soil to bring it down)
water them 2/3 times a week,and feed them once a week.


Well-Known Member
I second that .. a fan is totally necessary for building strong stalks and branches, as well as replenishing the used CO2 around the leaves .. I find as much air movement as possible without causing wind-burn is a must .. I tend to run lights through the night during the summer period .. when it's 36C outside and one is running 5 600W HPS during the day it gets a bit hott


Well-Known Member
they look pretty good for a beginner .. keep at it my friend .. you should keep notes for your next grow .. there will definitely be aspects that you will want to change to get bigger buds etc .. there always are improvements to be made until you feel you are at the pinnacle of what your environment can deliver, then we tend to build another indoor farm

the mook

UPDATE*** hi RUI heres is MORE PICS!!! also a quick question..will my buds get bigger? is in fatter? at the moment the plant dusnt look like it will yeild much unless the buds bulk up.
4 weeks flowering.jpg4 weeks f.jpg