First grow pulleeeeaaze help me !!!!!


Active Member
okay bought beans from Castle Seed co. ..NO COMPLAINTS ...Started seeds over night in water sprouted in 24 hrs planted in miracle grow starter mix... boom... 72 hours later they popped up...2 weeks later transplanted in 3 gallon pots with miraclegrow potting mix ....have had no probs till now they seem to be turning light not all of them just a couple and bottom leaves getting light and turning yellow 856.jpg857.jpg861.jpg862.jpg863.jpg864.jpgor maybe theyre just fine ..the ones in black pots are bag seeds started 21 days ago the rest are the magic beans from Castle ...when should I transplant theyre going in 5 gallon buckets and what should be in that bucket as far as soil? keep in mind can only get stuff from loews or home depot and what should i put in the soil and when ? and is regular Miracle grow in the water fine or good enough ..the plants are all female ..2 skunk special from female ..2 white widow x bigbud from Female.. 2 outdoor grapefruit from Female..1 caramelo from Delicious..1 Big bomb from Bomb...2 Cheese bomb from Bomb ..:leaf::dunce:


Well-Known Member
they're fine,the 1st leaves usually yellow.
miracle grow will prob work but you'd be better with proper nutes.
transplant as soon as you see roots through bottom of pot.
good luck!


Active Member
Add some bat guano to the soil man. The best nute for your plants, Nitro will keep the leaves from yellowing and dropping. Most proper veg Nutes will have a decent NPK ratio and will keep your plants healthier than miracle grow.


Active Member
Proper Veg nutes ? decent NPK ? speaking Chinese... ^^^ do you know the name of one that might b carried at loews or Home depot ?


Well-Known Member
I think you can get Kelloggs patio mix which is good. Miracle Grow Organic soil is ok. Add 2 tbsp bonemeal and 1 tbsp blood meal to 1 gallon of soil and just water it till harvest. They have blood and bone meal, not sure of the guano or perlite. If you can get perlite add 30% to soil, and earth worm castings are great too. 1 cup per gallon of soil.

Your plants look good.


Active Member
thank you ^^^ thats alot of help!!!... now what size pot do you think will be best?.. being they were gonna be a gorilla grow in all day sunshine by a junk yard i was gonna fill old tires with soil do you think that would work?.. then itll just look like weeds growing out of old!! tires ?


Active Member
NPK Nitrogen Phosphate and Potash is what it actually stands for. You want high N while in veg, and high PK in flower. yes the tires will work. my mother in law did it LOL. You need to check out a hydro shop or surf some online dealers for Fox farm, Dyna Gro, Advanced Nutrients, Dutchmaster, Ionic...ECT. Miracle grow will work but not the best. but hey its a dumpster grow as I call it. Outdoors you should be fine just ammending the soil with some decent ferts before planting. Remember man its a weed. she is very resilent.