first grow , Pure Power Plant-WhiteLabel ...


Active Member
Hi there, Its my first grow still learning , seeking any helpful advice because i really love my babies ;) I have 3 plants in 32 day of veg which are PPP and 1 Arjans haze nr 3 and PPP in 25 days of veg, few photos to show you how are they at this stage
25 i 33 dzien vegu.JPG

The small one is Arjan Haze :/ not really strong plant, actually the only that survived off 4 others:/ completly dissapointed ;/ but still believe and have a hope ;) really wanted to grow this strain
daisy 33 dzien (2)4.JPG
We called her Dragon ;) cos shes really strong, grows and behaves well i hope ;) 32 day of veg , topped a week ago , much improvement since then :)
Daisy 33 dzien.JPG

Dragon , but another perspective ;)

najslabsza ppp 33 dzien.JPG
The one that is not really as potent as the rest :) tips of leaves sesm to be a delicate yellow ;/ We added some garden lime and looks like got better, but not really as bushy , shiny and green ;/
All of them with HPS lamp 400watt above

Do you have any suggestions?do they loook healthy for you? I started to give them Biobizz organic liquids about 2,5 week of veg-once a week according to producent sugestions.
I water them every 6-7 days , 25-32 C , i dont knowif its not too hot sometimes though .
humidity aproxx 40-57 .fotoperiod 18/6 ...
My question is about flowering period, do they look like want to flower already? i heard the longer veg the better quality flowers :) schould i switch lights to 12/12 soon?
And what about co2 ? im thinking about co2 tablets to give every watering but still not sure.
any sugestions? would appreciate any :):dunce:


Well-Known Member
couldnt tell from your pics but i like to wait to 12/!2 after I sex them or see preflowers...with that said you can flip any time. they look great nice job! hope you post some more pics as you progress with this one


Active Member
Definitely i will post further results...but today i found yellow tips on my Dragon leaves ;/
I water them every 5-6 days with a 2ml biogrow, roots and heaven from biobizz ...on 1l water, hope burn its not so easy with organic feed ...water, feeding, lamp? any deficency? here some photos of Dragon , first picture shows yelowwing tips ;/
yellow tip.JPG
the bottom level of plant
top part of the plant