First grow question.... Stunted growth?


Well-Known Member
I don't know if you made a typo but 8oz of molasses into 2gal is a fuck-ton. I wouldn't use it at all at that age and even when I do use it its 1tbsp per gallon. I'd also go with an 18/6 light cycle.


Well-Known Member
I'm also not sure what you're doing 2-3 times a day when you say watering? My plants get watered about every 3 days when they're babies and build up to daily waterings by the time they're in flower.
I switched last week to an 18/6 light cycle. I got the molasses from my buddy who owns an organic (RoT organics) shop in Texas. For best microbial growth, he recommended 4 oz per gallon of water. I stopped using it though after doing further research and discovering that it's more important to the plant during the flowering phase. I also did some research and heard some things that lead me to the conclusion that over-watering, in a lot of cases, refers more to frequency than amount of water. With that being said, I started drenching my plants and watering every 2-3 days. My com-padre put a lot of fucking sand (Which I'm told blocks oxygen?? Can anyone confirm or deny?) in the soil so it drains super fast...

I plan on throwing together my own soil mix without sand the next time around, and switching to 5GAL square pales to use my space more efficiently.
thank you i think i know why my plants have sstoped growing im in a pc box and light r not on top but on the front had 1 light right beside plant so it didnt have to go know i have removed that bulb and thinking of remounting my light board on top