First Grow (Questions and pics)


Well-Known Member
oh man that is brutal, good luck with that:-( what did the cop say when he first came, I mean did he or she hint to suspition of marijuana cultivating? sounds like you have a narc in your mist


Active Member
Dude that's really awful about your plants. I hope the kids adjust okay! Did anything else happen in regards to your grow op ... like, cops saying something about suspicion ... or was it just a fluke they showed up or something? And do you have any ideas about where to put your plants now?
no they said nothing about marijuana growing but im pretty sure one of my buddies left a bong on the tv and the cop looked like he had been looking at it, besides that my grow op was sailing so smooth, now i could end up with no harvest to show for it.

Thanks all
well its been a while but one of the plants matured and i was able to harvest but my train wreck baby got stolen, i still havent found out who took it but it was the lowest of the lows, i only got around a half ounce out of the one plant but i knew that trainwreck plant woulda got me at least 20 grams.

thanks alot to everyone who helped me out and stayed tuned into my grow i hope to have another setup shortly.

Dr. Dank


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your trainwreck baby. I hope the next grow goes a lot better. Why someone steels someone elses kids is beyond me. I'll stay tuned for the next journal ... just let us all know! ;)