First grow room 700W HPS+ PERPETUAL


Well-Known Member
So today I got my lights from craigslist and the best part was the guy I got them from gave me some seeds too as a bonus when I got to his house. So I went ahead and started germination of those guys. I have a 14.5 x 6.5 x 8ft space to use but I can only really afford the 2 lights i have for now but I think I will be OK. I have a 430W hps and a 270W hps. I plan on setting up a perpetual harvest so I will go with a soil or a soilless mix. Today I also got 2 squirell cage fans with the lights and seeds I actually set one of them up to the window since I sealed up the window (but left it open a little). I just put the seeds in a wet paper towel under my humididome and will keep them wet. Tomorrow I will get the rest of my supplies and start flowering some kush clones I have been preparing. By the way feel free to post questions or comments for me in this thread.


Well-Known Member
I finally got the room finished today. So I moved 5 clones that were vegging to flower. They are some unknown kush plants that my buddy had for a 3 months. I cloned them a few weeks ago now I will start the sexing since I dont know which are girls vs boys. I dont have a charger for my camera so all I have to use is this crappy web cam but here you go. I have 5 Kush plants 3 months old on 18/6. I also have a total of 8 clones from those 5 plants(3 still vegging and 5 on 12/12 now).Last but nowleast I am germinating some of the seeds I got with my lights they are 4 Northern Lights, 4 nl x cotton Candy, 4 unknown strain but he told me it had a piney aroma to it, 4 more unknown kush (since I didnt start the ones I have now)



Well-Known Member
OK so it was getting way too hot in this room and I dont have an air conditioner yet. So what I did was hook up my other fan to the window to suck in the cool air directly into the flowering chamber to try to keep the temp below 90. The heat was affecting my seelings in my veg chamber too they are stretching out too much. Since I know that these will prolly topple over when the get some more foilage on them I took a fan and have it directly blowing on them so that their stems can get a workout and get strong enough to support the tops. I got all 4 kush, 3 piney, 2 nl x cc and 0 nl seeds to germinate. I think something was wrong with the northern lights seeds that were given too me. Also I took 17 clones from the 5 older plants I have to start rooting. I will let them root while I am determining the sexes so I can start a few clones every week and have a perpetual harvest. Still no charger for the camera but pics will be coming soon.


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Ok so after the 2 day power outage i think things are under control. It turns out that the clone i took forom the white 3 month old plant is a boy and the clone i took from the red is a girl. Sex was shown in 4 days on these. So today i took4 more clones from the red and will root them for the next few weeks. I will be taking a few per week on a continuous cycle.


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So today I noticed that green which was my pick from the beginning is a girl. So I took the other red clone I had vegging and repotted her and put her in the flowering room. Also a few more clones were taken from red yesterday and from black, red and white today. Also got rid of Debo the huge white male that was taking all the light in the veg room. So I am excited to see my vegetative growth on my moms speeds up. Right now I have 2 confirmed females So for now i plan to alternate between moms each 2 weeks with 4 clones from each per week. I aslo put the red clone from under the humididome into a cup with dirt since she is ready for open air. So right now I have 4 3.5 month old unkown kush plants a few stretchy young seedlings of the same variety. 1 "wyoming pine" (since my guy told me he got it from wyoming and it is hella piney) young seedling 1 clone from the red mom all in veg growth. Also have a number of clones from various moms in the dome. In my flowering room I have 2 clones from red, 1 from black, 2 from green, and 2 from blue. Still no charger


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Ok so its been 2 weeks sincee i started flowering for sex and still black and blue have not shown yet. But I noticed that reds calyxes are starting to bunch up and they have gone almost completly red(about 90%) of the calyx is all red with green tips and then white hairs. I have never seen this in person before and am excited to expect all red buds with green sprinkled in. I wish my camera had a charger


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So yesterday I went to the local hobby shop got some Pro Mix, 2 gal buckets, ONA gel, botanicarre nutrients and some mini sprayers. Today I looked at my girls and noticed that another one is actually a girl. The black one which is one of the taller, lankier ones(like red) the rest are short and stocky. Today I looked and saw that there is a lot of yellowing on the original 5 clones.I figure that the miracle gro dirtis not enough nutrients for them. So I mixed up a half strength batch of bloom formula fed them and so far I am seeing good reactions. If all goes well I will give them full strength in a next watering..Well anyway here some pics from today.



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Today I took 2 clones from he red mom I have in veg. She is the one that is turning red or purple. I have been having a problem with humidity in here. Its just been to dry and now I know whats been happening to my clones. So I will have to pay closer attention to these 2 girls. I fed me flowering clones a full strenth dose of bloom fert since they gave good indications last feeding. I also put my 4 ft florescent back up in the veg room since I took down one of my 400s in the flowering room. I am slowly tweeking it day by day here because resourses are limited for me right now. But I have a whole batch of fresh seeds that just germinated



Well-Known Member
Ok so today I 1 week after I planted the 8 unknown seeds. Out of the 8 I have 6 left and of the 6 there are 2 really nice looking ones. So today I went through and labeled them 1-6 (best to worst). My clones are just not looking good at all. I really have to get a hold on this problem because I have 4 moms ready to be clones but I dont want to lose a whole batch of clones again. If anyone can help me out with this please feel free to post a response. Other than that I realized that the tsp I was using to measure my nutrients was actually a 1/2 tsp so that was all screwed up. But now the plants in the flowering room are getting really bushy and are growing really fast. It seems like the redness was a def. of some sort. :sad:



Well-Known Member
laptops, money, space heaters anything worth anything the bud was nowhere close to done just some big moms and a few test clones flowering. But no worries im back smaller but i still have my lights and stuff so whatever.