First Grow Room - Comments, Suggestions?

Hi, I'm New. Call me J. I've done a lot of reading up on growing on rollitup and other sites. I started germinating some seeds I had lying around from my last eighth with no intention of them being useful, except as "test dummies". The grow is for personal use only

(see attached file)I carved out an area of an upstairs closet to work with, its 1.5ft x 1.5ftx 3ft high. I can always knock out another shelf and make the space up to 1.5ft x 2ft x 4ft MAX, but I prefer to keep it small. Since I'm limited on space and have to keep this secret, its about the best area I can safely afford. With the door closed there are no vents, however it is cool upstairs most of the day.

Here's my Plan:
  • 1-4 plants at at time (Start off small, try and get to the point where I have 1 separate mother.)
  • Homemade carbon filter exhaust with fan(Similar to this one, and others I've seen)
  • Container with tin foil and 1 or more florescent lights
  • Brewer's Yeast mixture
  • arduino duemilanove running an controllable lighting program, which I've already tested

&My Concerns:
  • I won't have enough "fresh air" and that it would get stuffy in the closet, despite yeast and fan, etc..
  • Size will be too small or plants will grow too high.

I'm not picky with seeds, but I prefer short (I'm probably limited to indicas) and not auto flowering.

Any advice/comments/concerns/past experiences/etc from y'all concerning lighting/space/what seeds to buy/ventilation/blablabla... is appreciated.

edit: photo should be rotated 90deg clockwise, so turn your head to the left.



Active Member
you need to read a lot more you will not have enough room for that many plants maybe 2 and will have to vent


Well-Known Member
Where to start? You are going to have to vent somehow, in a little space like that a number of PC fans could do if you're as broke as most of the planet. Tin foil should stay in the kitchen (period/full stop) White paint etc is more reflective, tin foil tears like the world-champion-tearing-bitch-thing,it holds heat in, and it burns!!
You could cram as many flouros as you can really..
Hope this starts to help..