I've built a couple tote systems to veg my plants before I put them into my under current system for flower. Now that the roots are growing longer I've noticed the roots laying on the aeroponic manifold and I figure the sprayers will start to get less efficient as the roots start to fill in so I've started on another lid for the tote that will eliminate the in tote manifold. I found some fogger head misters and I'm making the manifold out of a bendy 1/2" & 1/4/" drip line system instead of PVC. I'm not finished with the plumbing yet I'm making one pump run two totes so I will post pics when done but here's part if it.
I have a 4 in 1 system look at my sig. Its my first grow as well. Dwc/Aero/Drip/Under Current. You will love the growth the system gives you. Best wishes + rep for going hydro on 1st grow.