First grow setup and struggling


Well-Known Member
Yea china their is.not sure we're the link is hold on (the best DIY carbon filter zen style by wolf man zen)should get u on to the thread and then look around for it.i made one and it seems to b doing the job(plenty fish tanks in china) so the carbon won't b a prob.i also have been doing my fist time grow coming along fine had a few probs here and their but with some help from a few of these guys I've managed to get 3rd week into flower and still going strong.hope u have great success with ur setup il pop in and c how ur doing from time to time.


Well-Known Member
The seeds u chose for a first time grow weren't ideal a easier strain would have been better although still can c y they have stalled on u think they can b saved da MannMann


Active Member
The temps are 86 at the mini me's level in the tent and i thought i was watering them too much so have left them for a couple of days and see if that was the problem.... the ph is around 7 using water you get for coolers.

Im pretty sure its a soil problem, i took the advice from a member that was to put the un nuted soil and seedling in the soil i bought and it would act as a buffer, I also think maybe i have been over watering, the LEDS seem ok but the girls just look like bonsai and seem to get new leaves but dont grow and stems etc

And yea I got more seeds, I got obviously Sin Tra Bajo and Malana Bomb , I also got Royal Dwarf, Auto Kush, JDs Auto Mix {mix of low rider 1 and 2} and pink lady .

I was watering every other day .

I know I should get rid but im gonna give them another week


Active Member
Well I left the last one for another couple of weeks out the tent but eventually dumped her as all she did was stay the same poor bye bye.JPG little thing she never had a chance.

Looks like Im moving apartment in a few weeks so will have to put things on hold until then.

I will start this time in same pots but will use Lowrider seeds as I am told they are a little more forgiving.
I think the soil was the definite problem probably with over watering.

I will use un nuted soil with 30% perlite this time and introduce nutes after 2 or 3 weeks.
The problem is the un nuted soil ive seen here looks so shit with bits of bark and twigs in ot ?
Someone mentioned using coco but if im struggling with soil then I reckon coco would be worse lol.
Plus I really don't know what nutes to give if im being honest I don't know a lot !!
I have sourced Sensi Grow A and B does anyone know anything about that?

I really want to be better prepared this time !

If any one can suggest any simple veg then bloom products I can see if I can find them ;)

Thanks everyone that tried to help me last time.