First grow setup


First, I'd like to say that I've been lurking in the forums for a while doing research and whatnot and I want to thank a lot of people for the helpful information.
So as for my setup, I plan on using a 150w HPS light on 15 plants (3x5) in an aeroponic sog system. My growing area is a 24"x16" plastic storage box. I'm not looking for huge yields or anything, I just want it to be a successful grow, but of course I want to use the most efficient method possible. Does anyone have suggestions on improvements I could make for this to work better using the sog method

I guess what I'm looking for is if should grow a different number of plants or if I should allow any veg time for the specified amount of plants.


Well-Known Member
1st of all a 3x5 area require more than 150w. you would need 800 watts or so. growing SOG is very efficient but you need clones, if growing from seeds, theres no way you could fit 15 plants under 150w becuz they need time to mature before they can be flowered and they would be big and then they will double or triple in size when flowered. i did this mistake on my very first indoor grow overcrowded way too much ended up with a big bush of stem leaf and pistils lol so if you dont have clones, just grow 5 plants in a 2x3 in vegging, when sex shows, keep 2 females and flower them in a 1.5x2 area cuz thats the maximum area a 150 could cover


Well-Known Member
I grew only two plants in a similar scenario and even that seemed really crowded. I'd listen to zem if i were you.


Well-Known Member
Zezy, welcome to RIU. It sounds like you want to make a DWC/AERO roughneck tote. Is that correct? If so, I wouldn't go with more than 6, I do 3 in mine. I agree with Zen that 150W is not enough for your proposed space. I am a minimalist and I think that 400W is the low end or your needs. Since this is your first effort I wouldn't shoot for the stars, use it as a learning experience. You can always keep the 150W for a mom and some clones and get a bigger lamp for flower down the road. If you think that 3 is too few plants in the tote you can always cut a few more holes and put in more net pots. Watch the ph and good luck with whatever you land on!


Well-Known Member
i am talking in minimum too, for 15sq.ft you would need a minimum of 750watts so you can get a 600 side by side with the 150


Ok thanks for the info guys, I had wondered if I was going to overcrowd my area with 15. And yes I am going to grow a mother plant first to make clones with, I guess that would technically be my first grow but not production-wise. What's the typical plant density per square foot in sog
I don't think his grow area is 3'x5', I think he's running 3 rows of 5 plants. His grow area is 24"x16", or 3 sq ft. Still, 15 plants is way too many, I wouldn't go over 3 personally.