First Grow/Sgfc/PinkBuffalo/Cambodian//Pics/Would like feedback on baby mushiesTHX

Hello all new subscriber and !st time grower. I have recently birthed 6 cakes and seem to be doing well.I would just like an experienced cultivators opinion on a particular cake that was pinning in jar then birthed to a Shotgun terrarium.I got some jars mixed up by not labeling and im not too sure which i have here because i have seen similar looking pins in pictures online.Any help or info would be much appreciated.Also does the cake seem to be doing well? The cake has been in the chamber for 3 days since noticing pins after a dunk of 16 hours and a topping of verm added on this one.I have a few others that are fully rolled in verrm but havent started flying yet.Will upload a full setup of pics and such in a day.But can any peeps tell if its pink buff or cambodian? Looks like the buffalo to me huh?



Well-Known Member
i have some cambodians and golden teachers colonizing at the moment. let me know how the camodians and the pink buffalo are, ill be doing some pink buffalos the next time around
Thank you so much my brothers for posting,always had the itch to grow sum baddies but caught up in the evil day to day shit of childhood and such,but finally at 29 i will achieve my first grow and trip all at the same time with the woman that i love,she is by the way 19..hehe.Anyway here are some pics to give yall some idea what im workin with.I experimented and used tall 1/2 pint glasses and short fat 1/2 pint glasses and also roll half fully and just top case the other half to speed growth and added moisture.My fruiting chamba looks weird just had to redo some holes cause i screwed the pooch on size of holes(lil blazed heh) so patched with notebook paper and sum duckaroo and i was in bizness i believe.The big fruiter almost 4 days into birth i THINK is pink buff and seems to be doing well.Plenty of fae cause home mostly and misted often but not too much cause my toppings suffices for lots of moisture and my Ambient humidity in wisconsin right now is 80-100% humidity so i assume this will elevate the chances of greater success?Im green so please all the info yall want to put out there i will be glad to hear.I want to keep this threAD OPEN to full harvesting and spore trading would be welcomed if my babies produce fruits like i know they can.Also the funny part is when i nocd glasses i got them mixed before pulling labels so some could be either strain mentioned in topic?Any guesses are more than welcome!! I have no humidity tester at the moment but i am keen on science and believe to be a good judge of these things.Any help appreciated!!You can see pins on all when examined closely...i think they are waiting to erupt and xplode!@#E njoy
029.jpg022.jpg023.jpg024.jpg025.jpg015.jpg009.jpg002.jpgOh by the way RON Paul all the way..if only i could vote...haha Stay up!!
Hopefully the other ones pick up soon as well,mabye i should fight the urge to fan it so much usually like 6 times daily yo vigorously and lightly spray the lid i modified with industry grade plastic see through bag so they will hopefully grow upwards.also i need to mention it sits under the window all day by the heater and also a daylight bulb is usually on above it on the window sill in a lamp angled,beamed downward for added benefit and stays a ambient 69-71 always and have it 2in off the bin with small boards.Hopefully thats enuff...ive also rerinsed and soaked the perlite for added performance yesterday cause i naturally was worried my humidity would be off but when found out my areas ambient humidity here it seems a worry of the noobcake syndrome heh..but i have birthed nice greens b4 so i tink i can handle dis at least wit yalls help thx
ahhh booty booty..i never did mind bout the little things..heh...hopefully my shrooms will be big..u think from the size of those babes at 4 days they look promising? Im looking forward to seeing how much they are affected by all the indirect sunlight and bulb tagteam action...mabye it will make them happy.I also play a small radio near them for a chance at a miracle they respond to any and all stimuli as anything does it would seem...hmm mycology is interesting..
By the the way props to Earths Tongue for the spore syringes,i recommend them to all,answered my emails with great concern and appreciation.If anyone has or might get some penis envy spores message me cause my lady friend wants some for obvious reasons heh..
002.jpg004.jpgDay 5 in the terrarium....only one cake is not pinning all the others are....and of course the monster cake seems to be more eager...i wonder how much fatter they can possibly grow?



Well-Known Member
ahhh booty booty..i never did mind bout the little things..heh...hopefully my shrooms will be big..u think from the size of those babes at 4 days they look promising? Im looking forward to seeing how much they are affected by all the indirect sunlight and bulb tagteam action...mabye it will make them happy.I also play a small radio near them for a chance at a miracle they respond to any and all stimuli as anything does it would seem...hmm mycology is interesting..
Paul Stamets maintains that mycelim crosses each other millions of times in each square inch of surface area. It doesn't take much to have those synaptic- like connections exceed the number of connections in the human brain. His experiments show conclusively that "information" read chemicals, flows in two directions on the mycelial hypae.

Considering the chemical nature of the oranism, it doesn't take too much imagination to come to a conclusion that the mushroom has sentience. Consider also that two organisms have managed in a realtively short time to reproduce everywhere on earth, in back rooms and closets far beyond the normal ability of plants to propagate and expand their territory. The other, of course is marijuana. We do their bidding.
You are correct sir...always thought and learned that we the humans are top on the food chain so to speak....but the little things...much magic to be held in all things i suspect and we are A part and not APART.I will experience this magic will be like slipping into a warm bath..