FIRST GROW! SH, SuperSIlver Haze & Powerplant kush, 2 weeks in.

The two short ones are super silver haze that i started from seed about two weeks ago.
and the two tall ones are powerplant kush from the local dispenary 3 days ago
currently using 1/8 strength solution of FLora Nova Bloom.
2 x 4ft 40 watt tubes on 24 hrs
on the way i have 3 SH Dual Spectrum II bulbs.
Temp 70 at night and 78 at the hottest point in the day.

Just wanted to get some input and advice what you thought so far on my first indoor grow. Thanks all.


Active Member
Distance between nodes is redic...move that light closer.

Otherwise they look healthy, just really stretched out. Keep it up friend :)
yea i know the light was too far for the shorter silver haze so i added another 2 40 watt tubes exactly the same,
and within hours it looked like they were loving the added light.
still waiting on the 3 SH dual spectrum II's to come in, but for now, hopefully this will be enough light.