First grow, should I fim soon? Should i trim undergrowth?


Active Member
IMG_20161128_202238.jpg IMG_20161128_202249.jpg IMG_20161128_202257.jpg IMG_20161128_202316.jpg

Those two yellow tipped leaves never recovered after an underwater event early on.

If i read the plant correctly, its just opened up its third segment. If im going to fim, should I do it on the next node?

Can I still scrog this? Maybe I should just keep it simple for a first grow...

Whats with the mess of tightly grown bush near the main cola? Should I be pruning this clean only leaving the stuff exposed to light during veg?

Thanks for any insight.


Well-Known Member
Hi, what kind of setup are you running with your lights? If it were mine I would re pot it deeper in the pot up to the underside of the leaves, then I would wait a week and top it at the 3rd node, then I would feed it and leave it alone for a week. O and no more water sports LOL.


Well-Known Member
She looks really stretchy, satiVA? if not, might want to check your light distance.

If you are good with stretching and don't have a height issue I would agree with giving it another node. I would wait to trim until she is a little older.


Active Member
thanks guys,its an indica,gdp variant strain, the clone I got had that long stem and I didn't know planting deeper was an option.

My light height is probably an issue I'll lower it, the issue is my current led is no where near powerful enough and has a small cone. it should have been used for clones not veg. I've got a viparspectra 300w coming tomorrow.

as for replanting...I'm nervous as hell about it. The pot is big, and she's in a rock wool cube near the surface if that has any impact on things. If I plant it down deep,im afraid of over watering again trying to get water down to the root cluster.

Regarding trimming, is that reserved for budding? Or does it make sense to kind of monster crop a bit during veg?



Well-Known Member
IMO, I really don't think you have to repot them yet, are those 5 gallon pots ? let them get a bit bigger before you fim them it will cause less stress and your ladies will thrive.

Good luck and welcome to RIU


Active Member
Okay good advice, I'm really worried about stress causing a whole or partial hermie. I underwatered it really early in its life and it's been seeing temp in the low 60's at night lately because my thermostat settings were fucked up and I didn't realize.

So the less stress I can put her through the better. I think I'm gonna leave this potted at this height, not scrog it, and get a more pinner yield just so I can have taken a grow from start to finish at least once.


Well-Known Member
Hi OP, you mention an underwater event, how about overwatering? Are you pH adjusting? New growth you mention is knarly, possible overwatering + pH out of range. Please provide more detail on watering/pH/feeding.

I'd not try a transplant if she's already in your planned final pot size, unless you went bigger. Add medium for sure, you have room to bury her a bit more.

I'd focus on insuring you're feeding/watering/pH adjusting correctly before fimming. You want her healthy for quick recovery. Talk more about LED wall draw or chip wattage for optimal light distance.

Regarding trimming, it's an ongoing process, you want growth tips shooting up, you can determine how many growth tips become colas through pruning. Short answer, you can prune through veg and in to flower. you want buds to be above the veg canopy that forms before flip to flower. You can trim the shit that shoots out under canopy during flower, as they'll make larf buds given inadequate light penetration.


Active Member
Thanks chillok.

My current LED is 9.5w draw, moving to 130w draw tomorrow with larger coverage. Water is PH adjusted to 6-7. So far I've not seen overwater, the growth that came after the underwater event has been beautiful, it's the stuff thats growing off the main stem that's all gnarly. There's a lot of it too.

If I were to clean that gnarly growth out off the main stem would that stress the plant? Also, are you saying you can turn a non-cola off-shoot into a cola?

I need to watch more scrog guide videos I think. That was my main confusion with scrog. I know you fim/top then take your main colas and low stress train them 90 degrees under your grid, then back up through it on the outsides. How to fill the--now cola-less--inside area with colas I don't understand. I think you're saying you prune to turn non-cola off-shoots into colas.


Active Member
The main fan leaves look really happy to me. no?
IMG_20161127_143214.jpg IMG_20161127_143207.jpg

On the first image you can see in the lower-left a leaf thats wilted with yellow tips, it's been that way since the under water incident. Also the completely dead edge-crisp you see is from light-burn very early on.


Well-Known Member
I downloaded pics to see better, okay not overwatering. A boron deficiency is rare but can happen with underwateing, which can lead to twisted leaves.

On growth tips becoming colas, I meant you can help them by insuring they get air and light, they'll push up from there. Or you can snip them if you don't want them to develop into colas. sorry for scattered answers I'm at work. ugh work :)


Well-Known Member
OP what happened to the lower older leaf? And the one up top with the manilla colored dead area?


Active Member
Sorry, edited this into my previous post after the fact: On the first image you can see in the lower-left a leaf thats wilted with yellow tips, it's been that way since the under water incident. Also the completely dead edge-crisp you see is from light-burn very early on.