First grow. Should i flip her?


Active Member
Hi all this is my pet white widow "Winona". She is 32 days since she cracked her shell. I did a fim on her about 3 weeks in and have been trying some lst also(i dont know if im doing it right but it seems to be working). Any ways i was thinking about flipping her next wednesday but i was just wondering what your guys thoughts were.

Just a side view. she is only maybe 3-4" tall but thats also because i keep pulling her down loll
trying to get a picture of the stem but she's to damn bushy.
i learned the hard way that if your going to spray her with water do it with the lights off as you can see with the couple of burnt leaves.
I bought an apollo mh/hps light kit i just switched to this week before she was under cfls.


Well-Known Member
general rule my rule. you for got to mention your bulb watts. im guessing that's 400. any ways. most cases veg them foot tall 400 watts. 16 to 20 inches tall 600 watts. 16 to 8 feet tall 1000 watts. min foot tall so you pull at lease an ounce. will be about 3 feet tall finish . that small plant will only get you grams. it will grow fast with that mh on top of it compared to the cfl. for you mabe half inch a day or more. so its WELL WORTH THE WATE .


Active Member
oh yeah sorry i guess i forgot to mention all the good stuff lol. but im using a 400w mh about a foot above and im using gh nutes running about 1200 ppm with a 6 ph for the past week. Does it look like im lsting right? i pull her back down about every 2-3 days.


Well-Known Member
How much head room do you have?
if it is only 1 ft I would flip soon.
Or keep tying it down to get a better yield.
If your gonna grow it you might as well make the most out of it.


If you have a lot of room I would keep her going, generally you should flip her when she is about half the height you want her to be. So if you have 6' flip at 2.5' or 3'. I can see your lsting, which is a great method, if your only going to be growing top her at least one more time. Depending on how big your tent is, you might want to add another plant under that light, 400w is a bit over kill for one plant.


Active Member
lol char. i have a 2x4x5 tent so i guess i have plent of room im going to veg for another 2 weeks i guess. sorry it took me so long to get back on here my weekend was insanely busy. I have another question though. My plant is drinking like crazy i have to add close to 2 liters of water a day and my ppm is sky rocketing up to 1400 from about 1000 in under a day. is there something im doing wrong or is this normal?


You need to get a reservoir to keep water levels stable. The nutes are getting to concentrated as the water level decreases. You can also just try adding distilled water with a balanced ph and no nutes, with a lower pmm than the water to balance them out, it looks like your in early to mid veg, keep the pmm down to 650-750 area, with a ph of about 5.5.