I use Ocean Forrest soil mixed three parts to one part with perlite. I don't fertilize for the first three weeks after germination, except I use 2 tbs of Big Bloom (per gallon) with each watering (I guess that is fertilizing, but I consider it to be more "conditioning".
At three weeks I use Open Sesame (1/2 tsp) with 1 tbs of Big Bloom: every other watering for three weeks. For the odd waterings: 2 tbs of Big Bloom as above. For the next two weeks (again every other watering) I use Big Bloomz mixed as I did with the Open Sesame (1/2 tsp, 1 tbs Big Bloom). Then, until a couple weeks before harvesting usually four (when I'll only water with ph adjusted plain water for the last weeks), I use Cha Ching--again every other watering, mixed as above.
All of which is pretty much exactly what Fox Farms recommends.
I adjust the ph of the water to 6.0-6.5.
Outstanding results.
2 X 26 watt 6500K for each plant during veg; 400 watt HPS for flower.
I'm going to try re-using my soil next time.