First Grow Stealth Bubbleponics

Good work man.

So you changed the lights back to a veg schedule... is that to give them extra light to grow?

Looking forward to seeing the entire harvest... know you are too.

Good work man.

So you changed the lights back to a veg schedule... is that to give them extra light to grow?

Looking forward to seeing the entire harvest... know you are too.


There's a video on Roseman's thread from Greenhouse Seeds that said to turn up the lighting to 15/9 for 2 weeks until chop. We're trying that technique. We'll try to find the page.
Do whatever Roseman says! Do Whatever Roseman say! No really, Do whatver Roseman's says! LOL! It's only funny cause it 's true.

Sound about right Ray on the yield of the smallest of three. For some reason I alway get a runt and ether two really nice ones of one medium and one extra large. Even happened with bagseed and different light set-ups. I'd think betwen 2 and 3 dry per plant for sure. Be sure to save the fan leaves and trim for other uses. I'm kind of fanatical about that. I even grind stems for the little bit of oil I can get using BHO.
Hey guys please help me figure this out First clone from my first grow. shes under a 400 watt hps with a diy cool tube, in a 5gal dwc bubble bucket, 2 air stones, Dyna grow bloom 3-12-6 at 12/12 for 20 days i cant see any bugs. but she got these brown spots

Looks like a deficiency to me. Not sure what, I don't know that stuff. The plant looks good by the way.

You will probably get more help by starting a new thread of your own about it. The 'plant problems' section would probably be best, but you could try the indoor growing section too. We pretty much know about Ray's grow around here. He's getting ready to harvest his super sweet scrog.

Try goggle: deficiency

Good luck
o=high=o,,,I got pics of that problem, but we do not want to hi-jack this thread.

Look here:Marijuana Plants Problems - Yellow Leaves, brown spots, nutrient shortage etc. it is over-nute, over fed.

Although ohigho clearly highjacked this thread it is pretty flattering to a first time grower to ask for help. You guys all pounced on him like a cougar on a rabbit but still, its very flattering :mrgreen:.

Like Roseman said OhHighOh, it looks like you're giving your girl too much love. Just step back and let nature run its course for a bit.

And not to forget... MOSTLY CRAZY is back in da house! Oh man, where you been crazy :joint:? This must be quite the update for you. Just so you all know we're saving every scrap of plant for the for a final bubble hash process, hoping for a lot of stuff at the end. There will be pics of that at the end.

Question: We chopped down the last plant to the bare stubs but the other two girls still need some time to grow. Can we let the stubs of the chopped plant to stay in the reservoir? Or should we take it out? Because the roots are totally tangled up in one another.
I'd leave the roots... I think any decomposing issues would be far less than he shock the living plants would get having half of their roots torn in half.

I asked the guy at my hydro shop the same questions and he said what I said... only he said it first.

And if I'm not mistaken the frosty plant matter is the stuff good for bubble hash, the stems and other stuff you can make oil, or butter or something else.

oh... and if you aren't clear with people sometimes.. they start to think your thread is their thread very quickly.

Edit (added after the MC's comment below): Ray... do you plants see dead people?
Yep I'm back! You have been warned! LOL! Like Jig says leave them it for now. That stub will try to regrow a bit but that's ok. It's like the Sixth Sense. She doesn't know she's dead!
Yep I'm back! You have been warned! LOL! Like Jig says leave them it for now. That stub will try to regrow a bit but that's ok. It's like the Sixth Sense. She doesn't know she's dead!

Great! Here's a link on youtube to the gumby hash method with Uncle Bobby He uses schwag and extra trimmings for good hashish. We're using the frosty trim for oil (its to make strong hemp oil for a friend's mom with cancer). Uncle Bobby says not to use smoking quality and if you haven't smoked your frosty leaves then you don't know what you're missing.

if you aren't clear with people sometimes.. they start to think your thread is their thread very quickly.

Edit (added after the MC's comment below): Ray... do you plants see dead people?

Thanks Jig. That's why you RIU guys are the best! Its like being a part of a really awesome team.

And no Jig our plants might only be able to see dead plants, not people haha.
OH NO! I've smoked a leaf on occasion! I have trim from every grow I ever did as back-up just in case. Most of it is as good as the air buds at least. Thanks for the Uncle Bobby link. I haven't tried that method yet but it looks easy enough. Don't think I'll have that much product. Usually make baked good with the product lately but I'm always willing to try something different and them moving picture shows help a lot! LOL! Glad to hear you're making medicine for those in need. Keeps us on the right side of good!
OH NO! I've smoked a leaf on occasion! I have trim from every grow I ever did as back-up just in case. Most of it is as good as the air buds at least. Thanks for the Uncle Bobby link. I haven't tried that method yet but it looks easy enough. Don't think I'll have that much product. Usually make baked good with the product lately but I'm always willing to try something different and them moving picture shows help a lot! LOL! Glad to hear you're making medicine for those in need. Keeps us on the right side of good!

The side of good is what this is for!!:leaf::leaf::leaf:

Oh and the whole adding nutes post flush thing? We just checked on the plants today (sorry for the lack of pics, they're coming) but seriously, we may have stumbled upon a new growing method. All the colas that we thought stopped growing just grew an extra 10% and are still getting fatter. On one hand, thats fucking awesome. On the other AHHHH!!!! Its an endless grow!

We will show the RIU world at a later date but its
seriously such a surprise that it worked.
lookign to do my 1sr grow using the stealth hyro set-up. A question that i have is often do i have to change to nute resv. water if ever?
lookign to do my 1sr grow using the stealth hyro set-up. A question that i have is often do i have to change to nute resv. water if ever?

Sorry but you're question doesn't seem to make sense. Are you asking how often to change the water? Because that is totally dependent upon how much water your plants are drinking at that particular time of growth and you have to guesstimate how much they need based upon how much they've already drank (drunk?).

Or are you asking about how often to add nutrients? There are nutrients that come with the Stealth bubbleponics system (if you order one of the kits on their website) as well as an instruction from Roseman on how to use them. Roseman has a thread on Roll It Up that is all about the Stealth system, you'd do better asking on there or making you're own thread about it.

lookign to do my 1sr grow using the stealth hyro set-up. A question that i have is often do i have to change to nute resv. water if ever?

When a human new baby is still in the womb, it does not get fed food.

When a new baby is born, when ti comes out, it is born HUNGRY and ready to eat, but you do not feed it a Full Meal Deal from McDonalds! The new baby can not handle digesting a T-Bone Steak. You first feed it a very small amount and gradually increase it in small increments.

Same theory applies to new baby pot plants.

When a seed is sprouted in the cup, you will first see two round leaves.......then in a rapid growing Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics System, within a day or two days, you will see two normal regular leaves. Those first two leaves are called the FIRST NODE. Now it is ready to be fed 1/4 strenght nutes. AFTER and WHEN you see the next node, the next new two leaves, you add 1/4 strenght nutes again. When you see the 3rd and 4th leaf, add another 1/4 strenght nutes.
The next day, add the other 1/4 strenght and now you are at FULL STRENGHT nutes and have 6 to 8 full new baby leaves.
This gradual feeding process is a very cautious way of starting the nutes to prevent Nute Burn, or over feeding.
Want to see a GROWTH SPURT?

First two grows I did, I syphoned the water out into a 5 gallon bucket with an Aquarium syphon hose. That was really a chore!

Then I learned to prop the lid open about three or 4 inches, STILL LEAVING THE LID ON THE TANK, BUT PROPPED UP ON ONE END and reach in and take the Irrigation Hub off of the pump, and with a 1/2 inch hose, use my fist as a coupling, sit my fist on the upward pump tube with the hose half way in my fist, on top of the pump, and let the pump.....pump the water out into a 5 gallon bucket. It works good for me.

You can also use a WET-VAC, or a small pump to drain it.

A drill pump (you attach it to an electric drill) is $10 at Lowes.

Let me add here, that Roots love the AIR BATH they
get during a Drain and Replinish. This is a very important step. The more often you can do it, the faster the plants will grow.

Remember what I am telling you here.

Pot plants sprout with two round leaves, called
cotyledons . Do NOT count those as leaves, they are really the inside of the seed.
AFTER 4 full leaves appear, use 1/4 dose of nutes.

When you start a new grow, and AFTER the seeds have sprouted, and you ahve done one feeding, you do a Drain and Replinish at 10 to 14 days, then every 7 to 10 days.

AFTER the first week, the water is still fresh, and you may have only added 1/4 packet of nutes or 1/4 dose of nutes, to the tank at the end of the first week IF you saw two full leaves, besides those FIRST two round ones,

During the 2nd week, you probably added 1/4 DOSE OF NUTES 2 more times 3 or 4 days apart.

AFTER 14 days from germination, you do the first DRAIN AND REPLINISH. Then, again, every 7 to ten days you DRAIN AND REPLINISH. I do a complete DRAIN AND REPLINISH every Saturday afternoon.
BUT, every Wednesday, half way through the week, I drain the tank into a bucket, pH test the bucket and adjust it, and then, after ten minutes of having an empty tank AND LETTING THE ROOTS GET AN AIR BATH, I add it right back to the tank. That way I did not use ANY extra NUTES OR too many nutes, but I did give the roots an air bath.
You will see a RAPID GROWTH SPURT the very next day.

IF you do not have a ppm meter...........
and you do a DRAIN and REPLINISH........Try to think in term of SIXTHS. You got 6 plants, and 6 gallons of water in the tank. AFTER ABOUT the first two weeks, you are going to come home from work one day and find the plants drank half a gallon of water, and need to add half a gallon of water back. Half a gallon is half a SIXTH, so add back half a sixth of a packet of nutes back and half gallon of pH adjusted water.

Later, AFTER about three or 4 weeks, you will check the plants and they will have drank one whole gallon of water in one day. ONE gallon is 1/6 of the tank's water, and if 1/6 of the water is gone, then 1/6 of the nutes are gone, so add back one gallon of pH adjusted water and 1/6 does of nutes.
AFTER 3 or 4 weeks, you will find they drank two gallons in one day. Then add two gallons of water, (1/3 of the tank's water) so also add 1/3 packet of nutes.

IF you got the drain plugs, (little black faucets for the tank) make sure you use some plumbers glue or they will leak. The problem with using the DRAIN PLUGS is most of us have to sit our tanks on the floor, making it very difficult to drain the tank that way.

I'm often asked do I drain it out 100%? NO, I don't, I always leave about 1 inch of water or half a gallon. I'm too lazy to get it all, and ti doesn't seem to matter.
I'm often ask do I clean the tank when I drain it?
No, I don't let it get dirty to start with. I do not use nutes that color the water or roots, until about the last few weeks, i do use some Liquid Karma. But I still do not let trash or any thing foreign into the tank to clean out.

If you don't understand this, ask me. It is part of the work or tasks involved in growing.
Although ohigho clearly highjacked this thread it is pretty flattering to a first time grower to ask for help. You guys all pounced on him like a cougar on a rabbit but still, its very flattering :mrgreen:.

Like Roseman said OhHighOh, it looks like you're giving your girl too much love. Just step back and let nature run its course for a bit.

And not to forget... MOSTLY CRAZY is back in da house! Oh man, where you been crazy :joint:? This must be quite the update for you. Just so you all know we're saving every scrap of plant for the for a final bubble hash process, hoping for a lot of stuff at the end. There will be pics of that at the end.

Question: We chopped down the last plant to the bare stubs but the other two girls still need some time to grow. Can we let the stubs of the chopped plant to stay in the reservoir?
Yes, you can leave it a week or two.

Or should we take it out? Because the roots are totally tangled up in one another.
Yes, you can leave it a week or two. It MIGHT even re-VEG.....I said MIGHT.
Roeman... you are like a 'knowlege bomber' flying in your giant pot growing B-52 dropping bits of information on the poor would-be cultivators below.

I have to say I'm glad to be in your flight path.
We're all on this POTGROWING Space Ship together and we ALL need to help and watch out for each other.