First Grow Stealth Bubbleponics

Topping is when you cut out the two new leaves out of the top of a shoot. This makes a One Cola Branch, DOUBLE.

We are proud to report that these plants are growing like crazy!! The one in the center is getting enormous and super bushy, as is the one on the left. Plus the baby is on its way too. All the plants look beautiful and healthy. Here are some more pics!


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We are proud to report that these plants are growing like crazy!! The one in the center is getting enormous and super bushy, as is the one on the left. Plus the baby is on its way too. All the plants look beautiful and healthy. Here are some more pics!

looking sekC, very healthy :peace:
Okay, seriously folks, our babies are getting huge. We're installing a scrog net sooner than we thought (In one of the pictures), probably tomorrow. Also, we did some topping (Thanks Motif :joint:) Everyone please keep following our grow journal and add any advice you feel is helpful! And now New Pics!!! Enjoy!


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looking good, nice white roots. i think im scrapping my scrog attempt...

What if you get a male and you gotta pull it out of the net and then it pollinates everything?
looking good, nice white roots. i think im scrapping my scrog attempt...

What if you get a male and you gotta pull it out of the net and then it pollinates everything?

Why scrap it? Did it already grow through too much? If not then just replace the net. This is the scrog we followed Master Kush scrog. 150w hps, 1 mini fridge, 1 seed. hydro - flowering PICS - Marijuana Growing . And you're right Motif, it would suck if we got a male... 'Cept we paid like 50 bucks for all fem White Ice seeds from Attitude seeds :weed:. We put way too much cash into this venture hahaha.

Today we're gonna put up the SCROG net and later this weeks We'll put some pictures up of how its going. As of right now though, its going AMAZING. They've grown a ton even more than last night. What a magical plant.
We had some complications with getting the net up so we're trying something new. So sorry folks, no SCROG photos, here's more pictures of the girls though.


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man hydro just seems like such a pain in the ass. big time props to you masters out there that seem to have wonderful success doing it. but i dont have enough time to be dealing with all that. but your grow is nice, best of luck. im now growing white ice also, and im a little stressed by what that dude said about never wanting to grow it again. i only bought 5 seeds of it though so oh well. so with scrog you just pack a bunch of plants in there and wind em through the screen so the branches get even light?
so with scrog you just pack a bunch of plants in there and wind em through the screen so the branches get even light?

Jordisgarden, actually DWC isn't so hard to maintain. Cleaning the water out is a bit of a pain but otherwise its pretty straightforward and the plants grow MAD fast. We still haven't put up the SCROG net so we'll see what that should be like, but the idea is that you weave the plants through the net. They grow, you put them back under the net and they grow, etc. and the process repeats until the whole net is full, allowing the plant to grow horizontally and only the buds to grow upward. We're following one grow which got 3.5 oz dry from one plant in DWC so with 3 White Ice's we're expecting about the same results.

Honestly, its about space and time. We're trying at a fast, super efficient grow (And we're first timers, its in a box for christ's sake) so we don't have quite the space you have Jordisgarden but if we did hahahaha can you say cannabis cup closet?

Look for more pics tomorrow, the net should actually be going up then.

Week 4 is finally over and the babies are huge. Putting up the SCROG net was a huge bitch but ultimately we think its gonna pay off. We're training the plants for the SCROG still but you RIU guys can check out what we have so far. We're not calling it quite a micro scrog, its more of a midiscrog or, perhaps then a "grande" scrog. These girls were tough to train and the process is on going, not to mention the metal net left us with many bloody scratches and unfortunately a couple torn leaves. But the net looks pretty good now and everything seems fairly sturdy and stable. Check out the new pics and let us know what you think!!

- Ray Fox

P.S. We're looking to Veg another week after week 5 depending on how big the smallest plant (the one on the right) gets. And we're expecting to flower for 7 weeks but does anyone think like, 5 weeks flowering is possible in hydro?


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Week 4 is finally over and the babies are huge. Putting up the SCROG net was a huge bitch but ultimately we think its gonna pay off. We're training the plants for the SCROG still but you RIU guys can check out what we have so far. We're not calling it quite a micro scrog, its more of a midiscrog or, perhaps then a "grande" scrog. These girls were tough to train and the process is on going, not to mention the metal net left us with many bloody scratches and unfortunately a couple torn leaves. But the net looks pretty good now and everything seems fairly sturdy and stable. Check out the new pics and let us know what you think!!

- Ray Fox

P.S. We're looking to Veg another week after week 5 depending on how big the smallest plant (the one on the right) gets. And we're expecting to flower for 7 weeks but does anyone think like, 5 weeks flowering is possible in hydro?

Hey Ray Fox. I'm here to comment as promised.

First off props for trying hydro for your first set up, you've got some chops there. Personally i started with soil because hydro was just to daunting of a task for my newbiness.

Ok i read through your entire journal and am glad to see you made it through all of your challenges with ease. I took some notes so here goes...

Back when you were having rez temp issues. Obviously you have resolved them because of the beautiful white roots i saw but i missed how you went about remedying the problem, how did you fix this? Are you using the frozen water bottles suggested? Totally weird that you had hotter temps at night, its usually 10 degrees cooler for most at night. Are you running your lights at night and not during the day?

All those questions asked, your brown roots earlier on were definitely root rot from high rez temps, I had the same problem. I realized that it was because of the high room temps and the under powered ventilation i had initially. I got my ventilation fixed and room temps under control, the root rot went away immediately.

That leads me to this, how are you ventilating your box?

I think you mentioned at some point that there was going to be a fan but then as i kept reading i saw no more mentions, just statements about where you cut vent holes and what size the exhaust hole in the top of the box was.

If you are using the frozen water bottles you have may more patience than i do, thats why i opted to just fix the ventilation to deal with the heat, couldn't be bothered with all those frozen water bottles. I tried it once when the temps were real bad (90+) but that was short lived, again not patients for that. I would recommend exhausting your box to by using a pc fan if you are currently not. They're very quiet, very efficient for small spaces, and I'm pretty sure your box will only need one here's a link to one that i use and picked up for a reasonable price locally:

That fan would easily vent your box and do it silently. you may want to look for a speed controller for it though as what i think is silent might not be for you. You could also just under power it by using say a 5 volt, 7 volt, or 9 volt cellphone charger. This will lower the rez temps by having cooler room temps and eliminate the need for the frozen bottles if that is what you're using.

On to your scrog, nice work. Again nice choice in screen it is what I'm using. Hear ya on the scratches. I filed off the barbs and rough edges of mine with sand paper so no more scratches for me.

Still wondering about the holes? Hopefully you'll fill me in.

Your screen looks a bit low to me but i dont know your plant so continue to feel it out as you have been, you've got good instincts from what i can tell.

I saw that you asked how to change the rez water when the plants are bound to the screen and you can't move them. Well the answers simple... Attach the scrog to the bucket lid!

OK ok so it isn't such a simple answer, you still have to figure out how to attach it to the bucket lid firmly, and don't get me wrong i didn't figure that out until my third grow and it was more of a flash of brilliance than any real well thought out design. Take a look at my grow room album in my profile if you need some ideas i have pictures of how i made my buckets/bucket lids with scrog attached. When you accomplish the arduous task of attaching screen to bucket you will be able to just pop the whole unit out as one (rez, lid, plants, and scrog). Then just remove lid, scrog, and plants and change the rez, couldn't be easier. I'm surprised you didn't follow that design from the link that you stated that you based your scrog off of.

Well thats all i have for now. Thanks again for the love earlier i really appreciated it. Keep growing and if you have any questions about what i said just let me know.
Hey Smoote, thanks for getting back to us. So to answer some questions...

Back when you were having rez temp issues. Obviously you have resolved them because of the beautiful white roots i saw but i missed how you went about remedying the problem, how did you fix this?

We got a tip to spray the roots with a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide or to add just add a little hydrogen peroxide to the roots. Cleared everything up almost instantly.

Are you using the frozen water bottles suggested?

Yup, two frozen water bottles go into the water every morning and are changed for new frozen ones every night when they melt.

Totally weird that you had hotter temps at night, its usually 10 degrees cooler for most at night. Are you running your lights at night and not during the day?

You know, we think it gets humid or something in the box and causing the temp to go up. You actually can't see it in the picture, but we have an open panel on the side of the box which we keep partially covered in a towel and use a fan to blow air into the uncovered part.

That leads me to this, how are you ventilating your box?

You get the picture. And actually that thing on top is just a roll of tape, not a ventilation tube. Funny though, there is another opening we made on the side of the box (Not seen).

Your screen looks a bit low to me but i dont know your plant so continue to feel it out as you have been, you've got good instincts from what i can tell.

Our screen is about 12" above the lid. And thanks for the appreciation back Smoote! :joint:

OK ok so it isn't such a simple answer, you still have to figure out how to attach it to the bucket lid firmly, and don't get me wrong i didn't figure that out until my third grow and it was more of a flash of brilliance than any real well thought out design.

We're trying to work out some kind of ingenious way to make that work by just using household resources... we'll let you know when that happens.

Well thats all i have for now. Thanks again for the love earlier i really appreciated it. Keep growing and if you have any questions about what i said just let me know.

We'll keep checking on your grow. Thanks so much for taking the time to look at ours. Be sure to look for new pictures every week. And next week we're entering flowering which excites us far more than it should.

- Ray Fox
We're trying to work out some kind of ingenious way to make that work by just using household resources... we'll let you know when that happens.

We'll keep checking on your grow. Thanks so much for taking the time to look at ours. Be sure to look for new pictures every week. And next week we're entering flowering which excites us far more than it should.

- Ray Fox

Awesome, i love switching my plants to flower you get that tingly first day of summer feeling. At least i do.

Hmmm i would guess that it does get pretty hot in there. You did give the ranges of 75-85 degrees. So its not like you have particularly bad temps which is good. So you really don't have to worry about lowering your temps unless you want to stop doing the frozen bottle thing.

If you ever do want to stop with the bottles i would definitely look into some better ventilation along the lines of what i posted before because i doubt you're getting too much air movement with your current fan set up.


Edit: forgot to give you this link for a scrog idea:

You could either do exactly what's there or make something similar but much shorter that sits on top of the bucket lid. This is the best i could find in regards to being able to make it out of household materials. Id say you could untwist a wire hanger and make legs out of it. That wire screen you have is very sturdy and rather malleable so it should be easy to attach wire hanger pieces to it. You would probably still have to adhere it to the lid itself because as the plants grow they could probably lift the screen if its not all that heavy, you'll have to judge that when you've made it.
Hey guys, so today we have officially Vegged for 4 weeks and 4 days 24/7 under dual spectrum II lights. Due to their already massive size, we decided to switch the babies to 12/12... Where we expect them to grow even bigger. So we have officially started the FLOWERING STAGE. Wish us luck, and in the meantime here's some more pics of the SCROG from today.

- Ray Fox


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Crazy thought but for what it's worth you might want to move the lights up for a couple of days and have them stretch a little. You want as much above the screen as possible. You can always control the height by running them back through the screen. Just my opinion. Nothing more.
Hey guys sorry for the lack of pics this week but right now we figured since they've only been in 12/12 for a week and one day we would just let them keep growing, keep strapping them down to the screen. We'll post pictures as soon as these babies go into flowering so you guys can catch up on the action. :weed:

Crazy thought but for what it's worth you might want to move the lights up for a couple of days and have them stretch a little. You want as much above the screen as possible. You can always control the height by running them back through the screen. Just my opinion. Nothing more.

Hey MostlyCrazy, you actually can't really tell but we did raise the lights a bit since before the scrog. Since they've been in 12/12 they're bound to start flowering any day now and grow three times as much anyways. But the light tricks been working so far.

P.S. What should we do about too much growth in a single opening? There's no room to strap it down or tuck it under!:leaf::leaf::leaf:!!!
Not sure I understand. No more holes in the screen in that area? Might try tying them to a hole far, far away with bread ties or string. Sort of a bondage thing! LOL.

You think they are going to grow 3x in 12/12? Mine don't do that but they seem to be pure indica. I get about 1.5x grow height max. I grew the last batch to 14" and it maxed out at 32". Is that what your strain is supposed to do? I know Sativa can take off.
lookin good ray fox. looking forward to the updated pics, any flowers yet?

Hey guys, we were away from the grow for a couple days and it sorta got huge. Stems and branches and leaves all over the place. We're still fixing it all possibly going to start supercropping and do more topping, fimming, the works. After that we're probably not gonna tuck any thing anywhere or need to strap any more branches down because here's the good news: Pistils are beginning to grow. Preflowering is here. CAN'T WAIT.

:weed:. Yeah, that's right little buddy. Soon.

And for all of you who've been watching and helping us out and giving us your grow brownie points (pun intended:joint:) you will be happy to know that there are more pictures coming in the following days. Look for Em.

- Ray Fox



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lookin good ray fox. looking forward to the updated pics, any flowers yet?

Look for some in the following days. And thanks so much for checkin out our grow watercooled, we've been following your grow for inspiration. Ours unfortunately doesn't look nearly as perfect. But we're trying for the same results. 3 White Ice.