First Grow. stealth grow. CFL + LST


Active Member
My First Grow.

Now you need to keep in mind I’m trying to keep this as a low budget grow. As this is my first grow. And to understand my grow room you really need to understand my room. I am still living at home. At the house there is a 12x12x8 garden shed. I was able to convince my mom to let me renovate it so I can have my “own” space, I’m still not done. When I was putting up the insulation and walls I just built a crappy stand for my TV and put a small shelf for my PS3 and Xbox360. I soon found out that even in their own shelf it was too enclosed and they were getting too hot. So what to do with the empty space ?
Rip out the shelf and cover the whole front!

Now since im just in a garden shed I was able to just drill holes in the floor to get cool intake air from the cool air flowing under the room.

Grow Room:
Size 2’x2’6”x3” (stealth)
Currently 8x 23w CFL 65K bulbs will switch for Veg 30k for flowering.
2 PC fans for intakes
1 small blower for exhaust ( hooked up to homemade carbon filter )
Miracle Grow MC soil (I know it isn’t the best refer to low budget grow)

Now as this is my first grow I’m sure I will have many questions but if you see me doing something stupid let me know!

Now the first pic is what the stand used to look like. ( and the speaker box behind the sub will be converted to a grow setup if any males show for future seed runs )

Second pic just shows the scrap pieces I used to cover the front. Looks tacky but I'm not going for looks.

3rd pic is the inside looks a little messy, I need to tidy the wires a bit more. But what I did for the lights, attached a string to the base,
and threaded the string through hooks on the top of the box. This way my lights are as mobile as I want them

4th pic is my first lil sprout! about 7 days after seeding.

last pic is just my ghetto carbon filter. I didn't have a coffee tin. So I used a baby formula tin. works just as well.



hey thats looking like a good setup. i'll soon be starting a similar one of my own, just a little bigger, as i am on my own and have only landlords to worry about (big armoire/wardrobe here i come!)
basically i joined this site to advance my research (and so i can see pics) but i'll also start a grow journal. i have some good ideas but no cash right now to put into action.

i'm subscribing to your grow man! good luck with the ladies! :-D

also i'm definitely going to LST my plants, i look forward to see what you do.

[edit] yay for being my first post! and hi! I'm new.. maybe i'll go see if there's newbie forums, wait i think i saw some before when searching.. darn jogging the short-term memory eh?


Active Member
My First Grow.

Now you need to keep in mind I’m trying to keep this as a low budget grow. As this is my first grow. And to understand my grow room you really need to understand my room. I am still living at home. At the house there is a 12x12x8 garden shed. I was able to convince my mom to let me renovate it so I can have my “own” space, I’m still not done.
First off OMG lol you talked your mom into letting you live in the garden shed? Rofl that is beyond awesome. +rep just for that lol.

Setup is looking nice man. If you dropped your lights a little bit each of the pots could sit in the center of 2 lights each. Anyways. nice setup.



Active Member
First off OMG lol you talked your mom into letting you live in the garden shed? Rofl that is beyond awesome. +rep just for that lol.

Setup is looking nice man. If you dropped your lights a little bit each of the pots could sit in the center of 2 lights each. Anyways. nice setup.

ya its actually not bad in here lol. All i need to do is put in a window or 2. Right now the only natural light comes through the door window..... hard to vacate certain scents:joint:

and thanks rgrahamt for the comment


Active Member
I have added a DIY water bottle for C02, now as far as this goes is there so much thing as too much c02? and one more seedling seems to be breaking soil today


Active Member
Unfortunately bugs decided to snack on the second sprout I had. It has since died....
They also tried snacking on the lower leaves of the first sprout. I have since cleaned the entire area.

Also during the day, when I have the chance I will leave the plant outside to bask in the natural sunlight, seems to responding well.

any comments always welcome.



Active Member
little update:

I have removed the lower set of leaves as they have dried up, and I want the plant to focus its growth going up.

I have decided against lst, I will be FIM'ing the plant now instead.

I am hoping to be able to take some clones from her later for a future DWC bubbleponics grow.


nice set up man. looks to be good. be sure u got all of those damn bugs out though.... gl man, check out my grow.


Active Member
another little update, pics will come next update.

I have moved the plant into my hydro setup, and once the shock had past the roots just exploded.
I am now using the GH flora 3 part nutrients.

I attempted to fim the plant but the plant doesnt seem to have taken to it very well. it first started growing as if it were topped. now it seems to be growing right back up with only one main stem. pics will show what i mean


Active Member
OK well ill just get right into the pics.

first pic: where i attempted the fim.

second pic:after transplant. ( 2"rockwool cube)

third pic: roots after first couple of days in water. (the roots look a little brown and have been that way since i transplanted from soil, i did remove all the dirt from the roots in ph'd water before placing into the rockwool cube. )

fourth pic: my water level indicator lol

fifth pic: roots 4 days later ( still has the brown on the one root but yet it still has new growth. )

6th pic: this morning

any ideas or comments always welcome



I'm curious to see how she's come along with the FIM attempt, currently right now I am LSTing maybe on my new indoor sprouts I will FIM them GL!


Active Member
actually i dont know if i tried too early or what happened but the FIM didnt take. ( I even used the forums how to) Im not too worried as its only my first grow. But since I have changed to Hydro growing my height limits have shrunk a bit, i have decided to switch to 12/12 early.

I'll try and update with pics soon


Active Member
oh yeah thats a male... thats a bummer man. i was going to fim my plant as well but i decided to do lst without fimming and i now have about 6 tops and i will probably veg for another couple weeks to get a few more tops off of her... i think i can get about 10 or so without much issue. i ahve seen some people fim and then lst as well and it seems to produce some really really bushy plants, if you can still bend the stems without breaking them you may want to lst in the first few weeks of flowering just to open up some of the lower bud sites.


Active Member
can someone explain to me whats the lst method???
Low Stress Training. Basically, you take rope, tie it to them stem, and then tie it somewhere (side of box, side of pot, etc) to pull the stem in the direction you want. It keeps the plant from growing straight up which is nice in small grow boxes. It also moves the stems out of the way so that the lower parts of the plant can get light too.

"Topping" is high stress training. When you top the plant, it regrows but with multiple tops instead of the initial 1 that you cut. It's called High Stress Training because it's hard on the plant. It usually stunts it for a little while because it has to focus new energy on healing the wound and regrowing new tops.

I tried searching for a good thread on it but can't seem to find one. I could've sworn there was a sticky around here somewhere...