First grow! Stealth PC case, 2x Auto#1


Active Member
She looks like a survivor to me. Don't sweat it dude, just make sure she's comfy and don't overwater. Give it another week or so and she'll have a nice strong stem.

If it were me, I'd be tempted to top up the soil, just bury the stem a little more to give her a bit support, and keep close enough to the lights to stop any stretching.

Keep it up tho dude, I have high hopes!


Well guys, sorry for the long absence. I have bad news and good news. The bad one first:
My lady finally died from the extreme stress she had endured by having prolonged contact with the hot bulb. After some signs of healing, she fell on her side and never rose again.

On the bright side, I germinated another one, and she is doing pretty well!
She had started to stretch a little bit and I planned to LST her as soon as possible, but she decided otherwise when the pot leaned on a wall of the case:
Long story short, she began LST all by herself. This is 7 days from the seed.

I'm proud of my little lady.

Where did you buy ur seeds sea of seeds?
I bought the seeds on


Well-Known Member
You don't start training a plant until it has a couple of nodes at least, more like 3-4...anything now is just cruel and unusual punishment to a fragile seedling.
You don't start training a plant until it has a couple of nodes at least, more like 3-4...anything now is just cruel and unusual punishment to a fragile seedling.
lmao i noticed tht too,,, dude i hoped it hasnt been LST'd for long.... i did early once, it'll stunt the growth badly
but hey, iv done it lol good thing the lessond learnd now,
dont rush in growing knowledge up first


Noted for the LST. I replaced the pot still on its feet.

Here is a pic from today, the first set of leaves have had a huge boost in the past two days :)


Active Member
I LST'd my current grow from days after she popped thru, not even on her first node. Gotta say, she's coped really well with it, and it's definitely helped in keeping things low. I can't say if she's stunted or not, but the main stem seems very thick and healthy, and she's popping up budsites all over the place. Tho I'm no expert, just chiming in my 2 cents.

kush plant

Active Member
Hey I'm starting autos my self. But if u haven't fixed urn lights in place. Use a couple drops of garrilla glue. Works wounders n it won't fall of loll. Best of luck ill be watchin


Well, I think I should do a little update.

I began the LST a few days ago, and this is what she looks like now:

It's growing pretty fast for a midget plant, IMO


Mini update

I LST'd her a little bit more today in order to increase the growth of the side branches:


I love its veg smell. It's subtle but really nice :)


Well-Known Member
Cant see the pics but that doesnt sound right. Way too early to be seeing any color changes in the leaves. You mentioned bottom leaves... when you water are those leaves touching your soil and/or are you dropping nutes on those leaves accidentally when you water? Only thing i can think of this early, that or you have a bug problem maybe???


Cant see the pics but that doesnt sound right. Way too early to be seeing any color changes in the leaves. You mentioned bottom leaves... when you water are those leaves touching your soil and/or are you dropping nutes on those leaves accidentally when you water? Only thing i can think of this early, that or you have a bug problem maybe???

yeah, the leaves that turn yellow are actually touching the soil, but I dont give her any nutes... could it be just the water?? I don't thing thak kind of inside grow will have bugs problems...

re-uploaded the pics:


My soil is peat and a good seedling dirt mix.

I think I over water, I do it like one every day. I will reduce the dose to one every time I notice the soil is dry