First grow, stealth style

That's right at 350 watts of 2700k bulbs in the flower box including the under lighting. Then there is only 96 watts of 6500k lights in the veg box. The only thing that concerns me with the lower veg watts is my nl auto is in there from start to finish and I wish I had about 50 more watts. I think I will buy a few 40 watt 6500k bulbs and I will be golden. Its going to be difficult watering hempies in here....
I currently have a Strawberry Blue bean germinating and two seeds from my bag seed cheeba that turned out all heady and sweet. I need to get a perpetual going. A plant every couple weeks would be nice.
I bet I have room for a decent size SoG if I use 2 litre hempies. I could even roll 12/12 from seed, about 6 plants and shoot for 1/2 ounce per plant and anything over is gravy.
The new cab is in full effect. Its much better on my arthritis as its easier to access. My nl auto and strawberry blue have popped in the veg box. I currently have my bag seed sativa (which may never flower...), my messed up mainline (1side is dead) and another bagseed clone all in my flower box. As soon as the strawberry blue is big enough I will take clones and keep it as a mother. I also have another 8 top mainline in the veg box that I tried to kill...(see my thread in the sick plant forum). It's my first Hempy! Both the nl auto and the strawberry blue will be Hempy as well. In fact I sprouted the strawberry blue in perlite. :) Pretty proud of that.
Harvested my first two plants from the new cab. Both were bagseed. The first yielded 3/4 of an ounce dried. That's 3 times as much as my first grow! The second is my first mainline attempt, also bagseed, and she is drying as we speak. She weighed in wet at just over 120 grams, so this is my first plant that will be over an ounce! I am having some heat issues that I need to address, but I am currently growing an NL auto about 4 weeks into flower, under 180 watts of CFL 16/6, I just popped a Green Poison Fast Version and in the flower chamber I have a Strawberry Blue that is about 4 weeks into flower, 2 Strawberry Blue clones that I just put in yesterday and two Hawaiian haze that I am growing 12/12 from seed and hoping at least one is female. The flower chamber currently has 350 watts of CFL, though I may have to take some out to lower the temps.