Well-Known Member
So today I decided change out two of the 23 W 4000K bulbs with the two 42W 6500K I had used earlier in the grow. I switched them intially because I thought it could have overkill. I will be keeping a close eye on the plants today to make sure I don't burn them.
I kept a close eye on he temps and the plants since I placed in the two 42 W bulbs. Temps have risen 2-3 C, hovering around 29 C at the moment. I think that should be ok. One thing I have noticed is a rise in humidity from the high 20's to the 50's. I guess the higher temps is causing more moisture to evaporate from the cups.
Everything looks good! I have lowered the bulbs slightly several times to get them as close as possible without burning. I am checking every hour or so n the leave tips and the temps.
Here is some pics:
I am really happy with the growth of plant A. Here is its progress from after being burnt:

Here is plant C's progress:

And finally the slow one, Plant D:

Top of rubbermaid: