First Grow, Super Excited


Active Member
Well, a few weeks ago I got a BP system and 6 fem. seeds: (2)Super Lemon Haze, Brainstorm, and The Kali.

I'm here to say that I am the first time father of 6 sprouts. I turned the lights on earlier this afternoon!

It all seemed so easy, and it was all because of this site.

Much love


Well-Known Member
Congradulations on your newborn(s). Hope the girls grow up to be big, fat stanky bitches. (not something I would usually say to a proud new parent) ;)


Active Member
Congradulations on your newborn(s). Hope the girls grow up to be big, fat stanky bitches. (not something I would usually say to a proud new parent) ;)
LOL, well you can call my babies anything you'd like.

I am using the Duel Spectrum 65 lights. I'm going to get some more lights later down the road. The lights right now are about 4-5" above the plants, and this morning they seemed to be stretching a little. I'm going to move the lights down to about 2-3" whenever I get back. My question is, is it normal for the little germies to stretch a few inches before the fan leaves form?


Active Member
can any of u guys tell me if a 500watt halogen light is sufficient for the vegetation period for greenhouse big bang feminized seeds ? New grower


Active Member

My little germie leaves a wilting--is this normal? Seems like it should be, but just thought I'd aks.

Each day is a new surprise!


New Member
you might have just a little to much nutes. im not saying thats it for sure but i put to much nutes in mine at first and they started wilting also so i just cleaned my resv. out and put fresh clean water in it and not as much nutes. now there nice pretty green little lepurcans promiseing me to be nice and fruitfull!


Active Member
Ya, it might be the nutes. I changed the water and added in 1/4 strength nutes today. I'm assuming that plant in the back right corner is a champ because it has the biggest leaves, and none of them are drooping! It actually looks like you can see them growing.

p.s. If you haven't seen Milk, see it! I'm just finishing it up.


New Member
that back right one is strecthin a little but doing good! if it keeps on strecthin lower you light a little if you can if not keep a little stick or something u can place bside your plant without hurtin it and a pice of string to tie the plant upright so it wont start leanin to far down! not sayin that will happen its still early but you never know! good luck


Active Member
Yah, the taller one was that same height yesterday, which happens to be the same we lowered the lights 1". I think it stopped the stretching. The plant at the opposite diagonal corner is equally as tall. I think it's the way the lights are set up somehow don't get those 2 corners as much light as the others.


New Member
if you can fit tubes in there instead of the twist it will equal out the light to the plants! if you caint put 4 foot tubes they got 2 foot tubes its less watts but the light gets distributed out evenly! and they wont try to stretch from one side to the other! or if you have a lowes around you you can buy a round reflecter that the twist will fit in for about 3 bucks! or take a small cardboard box cut and bend it the shape you need line it with tin foil with the dull side down cut out what size hole you need for the butt end of the twist to go through and now you got your homemade reflecter!


Active Member

I kinda nigga rigged up a little reflector, but I'm not sure how effective it is! If you can tell, I have some cardboard covered in aluminum around 3 sides. The lights, which I don't have a picture of, are hanging from a coat hanger that I attached more foil to so there is no light escaping out the sides or from the top. The only place the light leaves is from the front.


New Member
if the front is as big as the back your loseing a good bit of light! just tape 2 trashbags together and tape it to the top and the sides so you can lift from the bottem! you will have easy acess to your babies and you wont be losein any light


Active Member
So I got in a bad car acident yesterday and have spent the past 2 highs in the hospital. My gf, however, said she can see the 2nd leaf sets growing in!!


New Member
just get the rockwool nice and wet it should stay wet for a couple of days as long if its not to hot in there!


Well-Known Member
make sure its not drenched tho...

are u gunna use that foil any longer....

i would caugh up the 20 extra bucks for mylar or panda film


Active Member
make sure its not drenched tho...

are u gunna use that foil any longer....

i would caugh up the 20 extra bucks for mylar or panda film
Yeah, I got rid of that real fast (after telling my friends "I told you so") and bought the mylar. The rockwool is wet; I have the water tubes wedged into the sides.

I went and check in on them today and all of the plants have a 2nd leaf set. The two on the corners are still gettin pretty tall and I don't like that. How could I combat this slight stretch? Add more lights? I'll post pics in a sec.



Well-Known Member
You could try rotating the net pots every couple of days. They're probably stretching cause they're the farthest from the light.