First Grow Super Lemon Haze!


Hey guys just want to say thanks for visiting the thread and everyones advice, here she is 1 week into flowering and 5 weeks total since she was an ungerminated seed. She is a nice 32 inches tall right now, and I have started some light lst after thinning out the fanleaves. Just training them enough so that each bud site is getting the most amount of light they can!



Hey guys the flowers are finally starting to take shape, I am getting so excited, cant wait till its time to harvest! Two weeks down seven to nine to go, I sure am hoping for the seven but my luck it will take twelve.:evil:
Cant wait to roll it into a :joint: or use my bongsmilie!



Well-Known Member
Looking good. I am about to harvest my 2nd Super Lemon Haze grow. All of my ladies are over 5 feet tall so nobody should do this strain if height can be an issue. I would also recommend topping super lemon haze. I left one of mine untopped and while it is only a few inches taller than the rest it is a bigger pain in the ass to keep supported. My plants just started week 10 of 12/12. Of the 4 I have they are all giving me different things. Two look done as most of the hairs have turned but under the microscope the trichomes tell me it can use another week. While all four were planted the same day, vegged the same length and started 12/12 together one lagged way behind. It was just as tall as the other 3. But it didn't start even showing pistils until a week after the others. Then its buds left a lot to be desired. Then suddenly around week 7 she started exploding. Her yield should definitely equal the other 3 plants. Odd thing is her hairs are all still white yet under the microscope the trichomes are already mostly milky. Gonna keep close watch on her over the next week.


Active Member
must be mostly super silver haze dominant if that is the case. it tends to do the same towards the end of flowering. i am also trying the slh and i decided to lst so height shouldnt be much of an issue... seems to be bushing out quite a bit... ill try to post a few pics after my camera charges some


hey man i see your growinindoor, any advice or tips? i have a few started but im havin trouble getting them pop i have the start of the nubs n 2 main leaves but they seem to be taking a bit longer than they should. so if you have any advice or anything hit me up. pm me here or email me at [email protected]. im hopein i can get somethign going soon
I think it might just be the photo, I have tried using every filter I can think of to get it to look its true color in the pics, but hard to do! Thanks for checking her out!
The plant is reflecting the spectrum from the HPS which has little to no blue (green) light in it.

Take a picture with natural light (or use a flash when the lights are off).