Well-Known Member
Hmm sounds good I will give this a try for my next watering. Man after seeing this video of the guys growing super silver haze....My goal is to get something like that....those leaves just look so green even when its time to harvest.....manSorry, haha, just a teaspoon of fine dolomite lime dressed on top of your medium and water as usual, won`t affect your water going in, but your soil PH will stay where you want it. That`s what`s important. Keep in mind when you`re adding ph`d water, you`re simply balancing the water and ph levels. The same for the sulphur to up the ph if necessary, like re-used soil.
Also with good soils, ph is rearely a concern, I never check ph for instance, using distilled water and either new, or refertilized, composted soil, I never have an issue, dead between 6.4-7.4 all the time. Feel free to ask away