First grow. Sweet Cheese AutoFlower. With pics.


New Member
So about a month ago I started growing my Sweet Cheese feminized autoflowering seeds. I only planted as one as this is my first grow. There are pictures attached of what it looks like as of right now. I think I'm doing pretty good. I have it in a small shiffer robe. Cut an airhole in the top, bought a regular desk fan with a clamp, & am using that to cool it down. The thermometer has been reading 90-100 with the weather getting warmer outside so it was time to cool it back down to 85. Anyway, just usingIMG_0421.jpg IMG_0422.jpg
miracle grow moisture lock soil (no probs with mushrooms sprouting), I've been watering a little bit everyday. & every other week taking a cunt hair of miracle grow, literally a cunt hair, & mixing it with the water. I have a mixture of bright white and cool white CFL bulbs, although at first I had one central bright white bulb hanging above it. When the plant was a seedling I actually used a blue 60w sylvania gro light, my first grow i didn't wanna burn it up with a CFL bulb. With this second seed I just planted, I wanted to try, so I hung a central CFL bulb above it. & it sprouted A LOT faster than the first one did with the 60w gro light. Regardless, my first plant looks good I think considering i might of added more time onto the grow than I'd of liked to. But hey trial and error, I'm learning what works for me and what doesn't. Some of the hairs are starting to turn an amber color, but 98% of them are still white. Let me know what you guys think.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good, a bit small tho, even for an auto, and for your next go try to avoid mg, especially any moisture retaining soil, to my knowledge, the quicker the soil dries out after watering the better. Also maybe some more cfls will help it grow a little bigger and get some denser buds, could never have too much light when it comes to cfls, and for veg use a 3:1 ratio. 3 being 6500k and 1 being 2700 then vice versa for flowering.


New Member
That's actually what I have, I have 4 lights surrounding this plant and one main bulb above. and I made sure I had enough lumens. I'm using a combination of both types of light because I read too many different things, some people said you don't have to switch, some people said you do, some people said you can use both. I liked that idea so thats what I'm doing.Do you still think I should add more?IMG_0425.jpg Like I said up there I think that's why its so small, the light I used during the seeding phase after I germinated and planted it wasn't strong enough, it was just a 60w blue sylvania gro light. I just planted a second seed, and have a central bright white 26W (100w replacement) CFL bulb hanging above it and it shot up so fast. I'm learning. lol. I'm excited to see with my second one if theres a different in size since I'm using a better bulb to start with. So maybe with the second plant I'll try different soil and let it dry out for a few days between watering. Heres a pic of my setup.
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Well-Known Member
Id get a fan somewhere in there somewhere to circulate the air and help the main stem thicken up a bit, and yea definitely some more light, if i were u id get a Y splitter n throw that into the top heatlamp so u have 2 bulbs above the plant instead of 1, im doing the same thing as u with my seedling, trans siberian auto, i have a heat lamp over it with a 42w cfl 2700k, and ive read u could use 2700k through the whole grow with auto's as long as u keep the lights close. This is what my set up looks like.



New Member
Great idea with the Y splitter! Thank you! I actually have one in the basement fucking a! Yeah I actually cut a hole in the top and just put a desk fan (it had a clamp & was easy to put up) to circulate air & cool it off a bit. It was getting WAY too hot in there since the weather outside is getting warmer. I know its supposed to be 85 degrees to grow and it was up to 90-100. With the fan on it brings it down to 85.


Well-Known Member
Ooof up to 100!?! Thats rough, plants pretty much stop growing at that temp, and yea Y splitters are a blessing haha, i have 2 small desk fans from wal-mart as my intake and exhaust in my tent and they actually work very well, if u really get into growing and wanna continue which im 100% sure u will, look into mylar tents. I got mine on amazon for $72 with free shipping, its small but perfect for 2 autos



New Member
That is f'ing perfect size isn't it? I'm definitely going to have to get that. Yeah when the temp outside hit 70+ the temp inside of the wardrobe went up to 90-100. I check it every single day a couple times a day. So I turned the fan up to high and like I said it cooled it off. But I'm definitely going to have to add another fan or two because it's going to get hotter outside. I do have central air conditioning in my house though so I'm going to have to see if that effects the temp at all too? I obviously still have a lot to learn. I started reading into it and honestly I got kind of overwhelmed with the different things I read. (I also forgot to mention that I have it on a timer for 18/6.) and then when I started looking into seeds and all the different strains and thc levels and I have no idea what I've been smoking as of lately. I started reading strain reviews and honestly I have no idea what I bought or what in the hell it's even going to be like. One thing I did notice, the free reg seeds they sent me are a lot bigger in size than the Sweet Cheese seeds that I ordered.


Well-Known Member
Yea believe me you never stop learning everything is always changing and everyone has a different opinion about everything lol it really is trial and error till you figure out what works best for you and your strain, since no strains really are exactly alike. And yea the tent is awesome lol it does get a little price once u start getting into carbon scrubbers and inlines n what not but smell isnt an issue for me so the 2 small fans i have work fine circulating air, but once u add up what everything costs as appose to what u would spend on buying bud, its a rather easy decision. Or you could always just go outdoors and grow monsters lol


New Member
I added the Y splitter, and went out and got another desk fan and put it in there. The smell hasn't been too bad for me yet. That's exactly it, i'm growing it for personal use and what I'm buying on the street now is just some eh mids, sometimes good shit comes through but even that isnt that great.. I would like to get to the point where when one plant is almost ready to harvest, I have another one started. Oh man some of the stuff I was reading was so confusing. & really some of it was crazy. I wanna grow good stuff, but I'm really not trying to get SUPER advanced or anything ya know? I just wanna grow good bud, get as much yield as I can, and not have to buy from the street anymore. Can I ask your opinion on how to dry and cure once its ready?


Well-Known Member
I chop my whole plant from the base of the stem, prune watever leaves r sticking out of the buds but dont go crazy, carefully snip any large branches and hang them to dry in my closet for about 2 weeks, ull know theyre dry when the stem becomes brittle enough to snap, then from there i put them in mason jars and open the jars up once or twice a day and let them air out for the first week, then the second week i just let them sit in the jars without opening them at all usually. Just make sure wherever u hang to dry that its not too humid, mold sucks, especially after a wonderful grow that goes smooth jus to have it ruined from mold in the drying/curing process.


Well-Known Member
Then once theyre lookin all nice nice i do my final manicure, then chief away! I usually seperate the main colas, and let them sit in jars for a couple more weeks so they get a better cure, just like fine wine.


Well-Known Member
That's so small... Ain't worth the time and effort..maybe an 8th it's all done dried and cure? Small like my penis!!!


New Member
hey fuck off! did you see where I said its my FIRST GROW EVER! lol. At least you ripped on your penis too and not just my plant. I know what I did wrong with this one, during the seedling phase when I first planted after I germinated, my central light source was a 60w sylvania gro light & it wasn't strong enough. Now with the second one I just planted (I planted it on April 18th, posted a picture. I plant my seeds in the pot they are going to be in for the whole grow so i dont gotta transplant or spend money on the peat starter pots) I put a central CFL bulb and its growing WAY faster than the first one did.Now my question is, should I add another light? They say you cant have too much light but you can when the plant is that small, thats why I ended up with that small gro light with the first plant I was afraid of burning it up.

& its worth the time and effort for me! I ain't going to learn anything if I don't fuck up sometimes. And I didn't really fuck up either, fucking up would of been killing the plant. I'd rather have an 8th of some bomb weed.. than have NO weed if I'd of killed my plant. So there. :) (Gotta find a positive in every situation).
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Well-Known Member
U did fine ur first grow, alotta people kill them or get terrible airy buds, and once ur plant developes its first set of true leaves, slam that bitch wth as many cfls as possible, just watch the heat between the top of the plant and the bottom of the lights