First Grow, T5, Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
HPS was actually what I was going to go with in the beginning, but then I realized it might not be ideal for my closet, so I went with the best fluorescents I could find :D


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it's about 4ft long 3ft wide.. I only keep the plants directly under the light though. A mother could be kept in there in a separate light proof box of some sort.


Well-Known Member
yea, i was going to get a 250w hps, if the heat isn't too bad to manage i still might later.
i thought it was for the money saving you were using t5s because you could fit a 250 or 400 watt with a cheap duct fan and or bathroom fan and you will be alright with temps


Well-Known Member
T5's run considerably cooler than HID, and I'm in an apt where cutting holes isn't allowed. I can have the room sealed and not have temp problems.


Well-Known Member
yup, your fine for now anyways. better to get your grow down right first before shelling out for more expensive setup :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yea, that was an option I was also considering. I have the paranoid factor though, I like to keep the closet locked when I'm not around, and on 18/6 I'm not going to be around all the time the light is on... That could work out though, if I used the T5 for veg, and then used the HPS for flower, since I'm around generally for 12hrs straight and I could leave the door open when it's on.

Anyway, yea lets just wait till I at least get a grow or two through before I worry about this lol


Well-Known Member
oh trust me i think way ahead too lol. already got tons of seeds, even bought a bunch of jars to store buds and havent even started flowering hah


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I have jars but they weren't originally for curing.. I have them from back when I was trying to grow mushrooms lol
im thinking on my next strain and i just ordered ak47 yesterday lol... im thinking of getting moms for each plant and have harvest with different strains everytime ill be in heaven lmao...


Well-Known Member
you get regular ak47? i just got some auto flower lowilfe ak47... no idea when i will be able to grow them if i have to keep them on 18/6 the whole time though lol


Well-Known Member
nah these are regular fem ak47 crossed with lowryders. all the same genetics of reg ak47, just made to auto flower after two weeks...