First Grow, T5, Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
yea, my laziness paid off that time, I didn't take the tape completely off the nute bottles and it got stuck in it lol

I need to find some batteries for my camera it looks like.. So hang on a sec.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's really tough with this camera to get good close-up shots, so I couldn't really get pics of the balls that I think are balls, so I just took some shots of it from above, since I didn't do that last time.



Well-Known Member
well they look healthy enough... are you sure theyre balls? maybe just new leaves forming? but yeah i have no idea from the pics lol


Well-Known Member
I tried to get pics of that area but it ended up blurry as hell.

I know there's some settings I can use to make it look better, I just don't know how to use my camera lol

Could be new leaves, could be anything.. I just see some round things, for me I think it's too early to tell.


Well-Known Member
well just keep an eye out. you wanna get rid of that shit as soon as you know its male. or at least move it away from the others


Well-Known Member
Yea, I've read that it takes awhile though before they release anything though so it should be fairly pronounced when that time comes. So I should be able to identify it before then.


Well-Known Member
yeah. you will def know when they got some balls. just dont be one of those people that post pics of their plant with HUGE balls all over it and ask if its male or female ol that always cracks me up...


Well-Known Member
Well, upon closer inspection, it looks like they're not really balls.. They look like they're made up of hairy stuff with very fine leaves coming off of them. I'm not sure if that means fem or not. I had to look VERY close to see that they weren't even really ball shaped. This on the smaller plant. I will keep looking though because I don't know if this confirms either way. It is where normally I'd see new leaves coming in, but this one was behind when i switched to flower. It doesn't quite look like the new leave growth. Looks hairyish lol

The only reason why I can't confirm, is because it doesn't really look like the start of flowers from pics on here.. I really just need to wait.


Well-Known Member
haha well good keep an eye out for them pistols too. its possible that theyre just tiny leaves forming that havent started to open up yet i guess...


Well-Known Member
Yea, that's what I thought, but I've seen them on my other plant, and it doesn't look that way. A little different. Oh yea, and it's alternating nodes now for sure, i can see that plainly.

The bigger plant is screwed up, it's like it tried alternating nodes a long time ago, but the new growth tip got bent over because of all the leaves I think, and now it has new shoots of growth all over the place on the top. You can see it sort of in pic 2 I posted.

My 2 young ones have grown like insanity since I switched to 12/12 one is on it's 7th set I think already.

If I figure out my camera I'll be sure to post sexing pics :)


Well-Known Member
are you sure that grass hopper looking insect wasnt a little praying mantis? Ive had those in my garden. eats harmful insects


Well-Known Member
it was small, I never saw a praying mantis that small.. Hmm.. He's gone now so I can't really look.. If it was a praying mantis than I guess I messed up :( Looked more like a bug I haven't seen though.. Not really like a praying mantis.

Ones I've seen are really big and green, this bug was brown, but I guess they can be brown.

Really, I don't have any idea where this bug came from, I'm going to guess that I was outside walking around, it attached to me and followed me back to my grow room.. I don't normally see insects like that inside. I only really see house flies/spiders occasionally and I try to get rid of them. (basically what everyone has occasionally inside)

Or maybe it was attracted to the marijuana plants.. Who knows how bugs get in.. they do get in though:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Ive seen little praying mantis nymphs that will molt a few times before it starts gaining size. Even the tiny babies could be mistaken for something else unless you have a good eye and recognize its mantis posture. Out here in the sac valley mantises are common.


Well-Known Member
I've just seen the big ones, probably would be hard to spot the small ones. If I see another one of those things I'll look closer. I'll leave it alone if it really is a mantis. I don't think they're really common here..

Not a real good climate for them, but my grow room probably is.

Didn't really know they were good to have around, I'll add that to my list.. So Lady Bugs, and Mantises are good.