First Grow, T5, Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
Yea, I only have one light, 1 room. Don't have a veg area.. I'm working on getting that setup later.. Don't quite have the cash for it yet.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm going to get some better shots tomorrow, I found out it's really easy to change my camera to macro mode and it works well for close up shots.


Well-Known Member
Yea, well the one is pretty obviously male, the other I don't see anything at all popping up yet. The two that didn't veg very long aren't showing anything either, looks like they're still vegging really.


Well-Known Member
Oh yea, there was some clear liquid on a leaf on the bigger plant. It was towards the top so I don't see how it could have been water from when I watered it. The leaf was also under other leaves so it seemed kind of strange.

Just wondering if they sometimes produce something on their leaves or what.


Well-Known Member
I just bought some T5's from htg supply and im hoping to get them soon. I have regualar florescents and a 1000 watt hps light in my room, (flouros in the closet, hps in the room). It gets very hot in the room and closet, i think its a good idea to buy a new door so you can do what you want to it and not have to pay for damages cuz i live in a duplex. Anyways i was just reading posts about t5's and wanted to see how they do for other people...nice grow, i'll check this out again
I just bought some T5's from htg supply and im hoping to get them soon. I have regualar florescents and a 1000 watt hps light in my room, (flouros in the closet, hps in the room). It gets very hot in the room and closet, i think its a good idea to buy a new door so you can do what you want to it and not have to pay for damages cuz i live in a duplex. Anyways i was just reading posts about t5's and wanted to see how they do for other people...nice grow, i'll check this out again
you should be good with those t5s.if you got the compact 2x2s(10,000 lumens) or the 4x4(20,000 lumens)..those should be the best bet for veg...


Well-Known Member
Damn, one of my non-vegged ones revealed itself as male.. 2 males so far out of 4. I'm only going with fem seeds next grow.. I don't like males >_< The 2 males burned themselves anyway growing insanely.

The non vegged one I think is going to get chopped.

Or which one do you think I should chop. The non-vegged one will obviously produce less pollen, which might be easier to manage, so maybe I should chop the vegged one.


Well-Known Member
I don't want 2 males, one of them is going to die, that's what I mean lol I just need enough pollen to pollinate one of the small buds really. So long as I even get females at this rate :wall:


Well-Known Member
oh um well in order to get the pollen you have to let them flower a bit dont you? i would think the one that you vegged would be better. then again i could be completely wrong lol havent looked into breeding very much yet...


Well-Known Member
On one of my plants that hasn't shown yet the new growth part is totally toppled over sideways, I may have to chop some leaves off in order for it to be able to correct itself. Also I noticed some brown on the stem, which I have no idea what it is. The leaves are green, so I don't know.

