First Grow, T5, Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
I guess no one knows whats going on with that plant I guess I should post it in the plant problems section? If it's fem I'm guessing that would be my main cola all screwed up. It's still growing and green, but it's just the new growth shoot is bent over completely.

It's getting bushier rather than taller it seems.

I just have no idea what to do to make it straight again.


Well-Known Member
dunno what that is ? I tried to push it back straight it wont budge.

Here's an illustration of what the top growth is doing.

There's leaves coming off of it holding it in place I think.



Well-Known Member
just get a stake, or a stick, a metal rod, a bent clothes hanger lol anything really. stick it in the ground and then tie the stem to it so it stands up straight...


Well-Known Member
nah it should be fine. i had to stake my plant thats flowering now cuz the stems are weak as shit and the buds started to fill in and the branches would just fall over lol


Well-Known Member
That might be a problem for me as well, the stem doesn't look like a tree stump like I've seen some people have on here.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah seriously ive seen some huge shit on here. i think the stems on my NL are already as thick as my plant thats almost done haha do you have fans blowing on them nonstop? you gotta beat the shit outta them with a fan and youll get nice strong stems.


Well-Known Member
another mistake I probably made.. Yea I didn't run the fans 24/7 didn't really know it was necessary, I ran it on and off.. Next grow I'm going to run it 24/7. Don't like the fan I have now, I'm going to invest in a better one for the next grow.. This one makes too much noise, which was why I didn't run it all the time.


Well-Known Member
Well the bigger plant is fem. I tried to fix the top growth, and bam the top basically cracked off. Damn. it was just starting to produce the bud up there.. :( I'm not sure if it will grow anything back there or what? I guess it doesn't really matter since it wouldn't have gotten enough light and wouldn't have grown much anyway.

Do you think I should take off the top, or let it hang it's still semi connected but not really.

Looking like 2/4 fem 2/4 male for me. Both the smaller non-vegged one and the bigger one have fem flowers. At least I'll get a little bud from this first grow.. Nothing great though, I've learned a lot though so far.. Still learning. I don't think you learn anything until you get hands on experience growing, but that's just my opinion. Reading helps to get yourself setup correctly, but it doesn't do anything for all the other details.

Second grow should bring the yield up :leaf:

Man, that female would be great to clone.. It was my most vigorous plant, somehow I think it running into my light screwed it up. It's got a lot of bud sites though, so I'm sure it will yield some even if I screwed up the main cola, this early in flower though it might repair the damage.

Beautiful pistils :)


Well-Known Member
tomorrow the non-vegged male will get the axe.. Sad.. No reason for two males though. I will keep the male at the farthest end of the light away from the females.. I'm really not so sure what to do with it yet though because I don't want the whole crop pollinated.


Well-Known Member
yeah you dont want that male gettin to close. unless you want your bud full of seeds! no worries ill be lucky to get an oz off my first plant. so far ive tried growing 6, of those 3 were male and 2 got burned up haha. cant wait for my next crop now that i know what the hell im doing :bigjoint:
glad to hear 4 of your showed sex..sad to hear 2 were careful keeping that male in your can more harm than good..


Well-Known Member
Yea, I dunno what to do with it though :?:, I want to collect the pollen for some seeds. Want to keep a stash of NL seeds so I don't have to buy them again.

Though I might be growing white widow or bubblicious for my next grow.


Well-Known Member
I think I have an idea for the seeds.. There's a tut on gardenscure that would probably work great.. Just using some paper cone around the male to collect all pollen floating about and then to pollinate just take one of the open ball sack branches and pollinate a bud.. I think i'm going to be doing that.


Well-Known Member
Well the male already opened its sacks I saw open balls, pollen, and a ball sack in the dirt below the male. I had no idea they opened up so soon.. My buds aren't even developed at all they're just starting to get the white hairs and get bigger.

Guess I'm definitely in for some seeds. :\
i tryed to tell you get rid of the males...damn well thats a lesson long has your plants been flowering???mine been 12 days and still no sign of sex