First Grow, T5, Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
oh shit that looks awesome. i thought you died lol. nice job tho from all your complaining i was expecting much worse haha i dont understand your plant tho wheres the main cola?? did you just top it a bunch of times it looks like all your lower branches outgrew the main cola lol


Well-Known Member
Remember that weird growth? Well, I tried to fix the main cola but accidentally snapped it off in the very beginning of flowering, so it's not there lol Otherwise it was grown naturally and made the branches go crazy.


Well-Known Member
ohhh gotcha i remember now. hard to when you post once a week lol that looks real good tho man impressive for your first grow...


Well-Known Member
Yea, I've been pretty busy lately that's why I haven't been around as much. I was only complaining because I got a hermie and 2 males lol I shouldn't complain too much though at least I'm going to finish growing one pretty big plant for my first grow :)


Well-Known Member
haha exactly. way better than my first one although it was bagseed but still i fucked up FOUR of my first five and still only got 17grams off that plant which was gone in two weeks lol


Well-Known Member
nice lookin man sucks about the hermies but hey you learned a lot and your 2nd grow will be that much better...i know mine will. its been about 65 days of flowering for my ladies and i could maybe give it one more day of light, probably should but I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE! so i'm choppin tomorrow. a week left on your lady, you say?


Well-Known Member
yeah good question chunky. mine dont smell the least bit yet. just 2 weeks into flower tho NL barely supposed to have any odor right


Well-Known Member
yeah not like it matters to me im sure it will smell like all fuck in here a weeks from now with these purplewreck and skywalker


Well-Known Member
Odor hasn't been a problem yet. It's smelled on and off a little though, but currently I really don't smell much.


Well-Known Member
I have about 10 or 12, not totally sure, some are bigger than others, I did count them awhile ago but now I forget exactly how many there are. It's getting close to being done, but there's still quite a bit of white hairs, not enough brown yet.. I have to go by them right now since I didn't get a scope to look at the trichs :roll: Still hasn't been 9wks so it's about on track I'd say. Probably only about half a week - 1 week left.

I'll post pictures when I harvest.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I was kind of waiting for more to turn brown, but I don't see it happening, a lot are though so I guess it's time to harvest, I will do it tomorrow. Also, I harvested 2 buds and took a very small amount off one bud that I didn't expect much from, but I almost got stoned. So it's definitely stronger than I'm used to. Very happy with the results. Now I just have to finish up drying and curing and I'll move on to the next grow.

Smell wise, it's the worst it's been throughout the grow, but nothing I'm not able to manage.

Another thing, i see no seeds whatsoever so far, so I guess I avoided it, amazing to me since it had so many opportunities.


Well-Known Member
Well this is it.. I've harvested my first plant. I found 2 seeds so far in total. It looks like a decent amount to me from 1 plant :hump: The last picture is where it all started :) Will have to start making preparations for my next grow.. I think I'm satisfied pretty much with the T5.



Well-Known Member
hey man nicely done. lookin pretty damn good for your first grow. better than you expected? second time around will be 10x better dont even worry haha. happy smokin! :joint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yea, it did turn out better than I expected awhile ago. I wasn't expecting to get anything really. This stuff is really strong so it will probably last me a little while :)