First Grow - Tangerine Dream


Going out of town for a couple of days so just thought I'd show you where they were at progress wise and then we can all be impressed by the progress when I get back. I have made the necessary arrangements and preparations so I'm sure they will be fine without me.

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2011-08-18 00.55.42.jpg
That's funny as I am writing this from out of town too. I have a trusted neighbor watering atm and he has grown before so I have no worries. I don't know what is going on with my girls though. My two dinafems are about where your pics above are but my td's have shown no sign of life yet. I'm going to let them go a while longer and if nothing then I suppose I'll throw them out and use the other seeds in a future grow. I also have some autoflowering northern lights coming in to try out for a grow as well, so any info or advise for that would be great. About how many days are your girls from germination? They look like they're pretty happy.



Hey wmbrown,

I started germination on Sunday the 6th so its coming up on 2 weeks. From what I hear and am seeing from a lot of others is that Tangerine Dream, despite all of it wonderful qualities, can be a bit of a bitch to grow. Depending on how long it's been I suggest waiting just a little longer. I don't know much about auto flowers but Northern Lights will get you about as high as the actual Northern lights.

If you feel like sharing tell me a little about your setup (grow medium, lighting, etc.)

Other than that good luck with your girls.


Well-Known Member
wp_000555.jpg, wp_000556.jpg <--- TangerineDr check out those pics in the pictures I posted just a lil while ago. That is the Tangerine Dream - It is starting to take off, but I had to really nurture her! This is my first grow/journal and I think I did enough research so hopefully all goes well, but can help you along with your watering, the medium I am using etc. Just let me know.

Thanks for the advise guys. I was planning on giving the td's about 14 days before I threw them out. I'm pretty patient and have not fudged with the plants too much and have had a really layed back approach so far. Right now they're in party cups with miracle grow organic soul and some simple 5-1-1 nutes. I plan on nuting them with the foxfire trio pack (big bloom, tiger bloom, ect...) as soon as they come in. My light set up for nursery is just 6 cfl 23 watt lights but I have two 100 watt metal halides and a 50 and 70 watt hps. ( I plan on going in for a 400 watt switchable as soon as I can. the guy helping me doesn't always give the best advice. I really should have just read here and not listened to him about the freaking lights.) I'm using a simple 6" fan through a bucket full of activated carbon fiber for a filter and it seems to keep the heat pretty well down after some test runs. Does anyone have any suggestions for a guy who wants to autoflower the nl's and veg the other td's and dinafems? My train of thought is that I can veg the td's and dinafems for the entire autoflowering period and then switch the lights on the td/dinafems and basically have two crops for the price of one? My main concern is for lighting spectrum and stuff like that. Sorry for threadjacking bro. I promise I'll get one of these started once I own a decent camera.

Until then,
Stay stoney fellas'


Hello everyone,

Just got in a little while ago to find some very lovely looking plants. The temp and humidity stayed optimal and they got watered as needed. Two of them have dry spots on their leaves. I am probably going to throw them into a bigger pot soon so they have a little more room to grow.
Here are some pictures.

Plant 1:

Plant 2:

Plant 3:
Two small dry spots one on each of the outer leaves. I dont think they burned but does it just need more water and is it time to kick in somt nutes?
Closer look

Plant 4:
Same kinda thing but on one leaf in a symmetrical semi circular pattern?

Plant 5:

Thats all for now. I'm open to any thoughts and suggestions and thanks to all of you following along, I hope it is interesting enough for you.
Peace out


Active Member
good job man. i personally don't let the stems get that tall but i'm sure they'll be fine--they look happy n healthy. goina b following this one. im a couple weeks into flowerin some white widow, stop by my thread if ya get some time



Well-Known Member
Looking pretty good. I have a 5 plant grow going on right now outdoors, almost 2 week seedlings. Trying to stay organic on it. Should be cool, have a good amount of people around the 1-2 week stage around here. Can't wait to see how they all turn out.


Hey everyone,

Sorry about the lack of updates recently, I've been a little busy. I transplanted the plants to 2gal pots on Tuesday. It was really stressful for them and they looked gloomy after but I watered them along with some Liquid Karma and the got back to strength and have since started growing again. There is only one concern*

Plant 1:
2011-08-26 20.18.49.jpg2011-08-26 20.19.06.jpg

Plant 2:
2011-08-26 20.19.16.jpg2011-08-26 20.19.25.jpg

Plant 3:
*I am not sure that is causing these dry spots in the center of the leaves. If anyone can shed some light I would appreciate it.
2011-08-26 20.19.37.jpg2011-08-26 20.19.55.jpg

Plant 4:
2011-08-26 20.20.06.jpg2011-08-26 20.20.19.jpg

Plant 5:
2011-08-26 20.20.28.jpg2011-08-26 20.20.37.jpg

Only one thing left to do now ;-)
2011-08-23 19.07.39.jpg


Well-Known Member
nice plants man, good luck with them :) i started my journal yesterday but its outdoor grow so its not as fast progess as yours ;) anyway yours look niceee!


Well-Known Member
they are looking good regards to the little splotching of the leaves...what kind of water are you using? PH? any supplements? IE: CalMag by Botonicare - I use it and a little Voodoo Juice to get things rollin...then after bout the 2nd week.....I start kickin in Base Nutrients.... don't worry too much....looking good! check out my Tangerine Dream....its rockin!
Just checking in and seeing how everyone is doing? I had to toss the td seeds after 14 days of no germination. They were also bringing in a lot of gnats in their soil (after researching, it was mold gnats but for some reason my other plants didn't have them). After this, I tossed them. I still have some blue cheese seeds that I'm going to germ and let veg for a while. I hear these are much more stable so I'm excited. The two dinafems are rocking and rolling. I just put them into 5 gallon buckets and they stressed a bit. The diesel is moping a bit and looking depressed but the critical+ got like 2 inches bigger last night. Anyway, that's it so far.


Hello everyone,

I am sorry for the general lack of updates lately. I have just been really busy.
They were 4 weeks in the soil as of Tuesday and they are growing well.

Plant 1:
2011-09-02 11.18.41.jpg2011-09-02 11.18.57.jpg

Plant 2:
2011-09-02 11.19.23.jpg2011-09-02 11.20.23.jpg

Plant 3:
I decided to use this plant as the lab rat for my LST, hence the bend in the stem.
2011-09-02 11.22.18.jpg2011-09-02 11.22.45.jpg

Plant 4:
2011-09-02 11.23.18.jpg2011-09-02 11.23.27.jpg

Plant 5:
2011-09-02 11.23.43.jpg2011-09-02 11.24.12.jpg

Also the flowering room has been completed:
2011-09-02 11.38.29.jpg
There is a 250w HPS in there, beside it is a home-made carbon filter on a 5" inline duct fan.

To those of you kind enough to follow, thanks, and sorry If I am slow to respond or update in the next week or so as it will be a busy time.

I also have been looking at your various grows and I wish your grows the best of luck too.

Happy Highs Everyone :leaf:


Once again sorry about the lack of posts lately, I should be back up to speed from here on in.

Overall theres nothing too exciting to report. I started LST-ing the three plants that I am going to flower. The others seemed faster growing overall so I decided to make them the mothers. I will be more detailed with each plants pictures.

Plant 1:
Overall this is the healthiest plant and has given me no problems what so ever so it is going to be my first mother plant.
2011-09-13 01.22.03.jpg2011-09-13 01.22.17.jpg

Plant 2:
This one grew just as quickly at first but is starting to show some sickly leaves at the bottom. I was told that low growth may die off due to lack of light, Is that the case here or is it a bigger issue? Despite that, this will be my second mother.
2011-09-13 01.23.18.jpg2011-09-13 01.23.38.jpg2011-09-13 01.24.30.jpg

Plant 3:
Nothing major to repot here. It is doing well and I've been bending the stem to let light to the lower leaves. This plant is going to be flowered.
2011-09-13 01.25.10.jpg2011-09-13 01.25.34.jpg

Plant 4:
Visually this plant is in the worst shape of them all. The leaf is showing what looks like a nute deficiency. I have been watering as necessary with liquid karma and a veg stage mix from a local hydroponic store. Any thought on what it is or how I should proceed.
2011-09-13 01.27.10.jpg2011-09-13 01.27.20.jpg2011-09-13 01.27.44.jpg

Plant 5:
This one started up slow but since I made it my LST Guinea pig it had been doing great. Since it stared training earlier the lower growth is a lot more dense than its the other 2 counterparts. I may FIM this one and Top another to get a comparison on that as well.
2011-09-13 01.26.23.jpg2011-09-13 01.26.34.jpg

I would really appreciate any advice I can get on some of these issues.


313 Kronix

Active Member
Looking great TD. I'm not sure why I am hearing people say that Tangerine Dream is difficult to grow, my TD is the best of show in my garden and the TD clones (all of them) were the first to show roots with my clones that I took last week. All in all, TD seems to be the easiest to grow out of all the strains that I am growing (even better than Chocolope which is supposed to be great for beginner growers).

As far as advice goes..... I'm pretty much in the same boat as you with experimenting to find the best ways. I too did some regular topping and some FIM topping (never done any of this before). I also did supercropping in veg and LST in flowering (also first time for doing this) so we will have to wait and see how it all turns out.


Well-Known Member
Sub'd. I'm looking for possible strains for a future cycle. TD and Light of Jah are two of my top choices right now. I got scared when I started reading all the horror stories about TD, but I'm excited to see someone doing well with it.

I'll be putting whatever I choose to get into a ScroG, my setup and current grow are linked in my sig.


Hello everyone,

It is a really crazy time of year for me so instead of promising more frequent updates I will be frank and admit that I am busy and have not been giving my plants all the love they need, let alone updating my grow jornal.

For all of you looking to grow TD I will say that despite all the talk of it being a difficult strain to grow I have not come across anything i couldn't handle as a frist time grower.

A lot has happened since I had posted my last update.

Lets start with the flowering plants.


Firstly, I had transplanted the 3 plants to be flowered into 3gal pots about 3 weeks ago and moved them to the flowering room. Initially I left it on the 24h cycle so as not to compound the stress of the transplant. I am just over a week into the 12/12 cycle now and even though it is a 250w bulb I have the ballast set to 175w to save a little bit of energy since the grow room isn't packed to tight.

I have been bending the flowering plants slightly to promote lower growth, however I may just lollipop some of it off and focus on the main colas. In order to get a comparison between topping and FIMing, I topped one and FIMed the other 2 shortly after my last update. In my personal opinion the Topped plant seems to have yielded more noticeable results, but I will continue to explore both techniques more moving forward.

Temperature and humidity have been fairly stable and well in range over the last little while. The spotting issue on the leaves has now been diagnosed to be Nat larvae, as I have spotted a few Nat&#8217;s all over the house and in the boxes as well. I have been adding a specific pesticide to my watering and it seems to have the problem somewhat under control for now. Before you all tell me it looks like spider mites, I do check me plants head to toe vigorously everyday and I wouldn't miss something like that. Pistils have started to form and I cannot wait for Bud production to start.

Flowering 1:

Flowering 2:

Flowering 3: This plant is by far the bushiest and is going to be my major producer this harvest. I've included a shot of where I topped the plant and you can clearly see the 2 new strong shoots that will result in more main colas. Also I have attacked more images of the damaged leaf growth that I am treating for.

As for the vegetative room.


I have taken a batch of 7 clones in rockwool; 4 from the stronger mother and 3 from the other. The 3 from the weaker mother don&#8217;t seem to be doing so well and 2 of them are almost dead. As for the other 4, they continue to fight on but there is some yellowing at the leaf tips. I am not completely satisfied with the way this batch of clones worked out so I may just make a few more.

Clones: (Left 3 are the weak ones)

Lastly the mothers =)

I must say that I am extremely pleased with my mother selection. They grew so well that both of them hit the top of my grow box (3ft) when the others were barely a foot. I have since learned about Bonsai mothers and they seem perfect for my application. I have gradually been pruning the mothers back so as to create some strong, lower profile mothers. All their new growth is really healthy and dense. I will probably root prune them within the next month as the roots are starting to wrap around the pot shape.

Weaker Mother:

STronger Mother:

Dead Adult Nat and Treatment:

I know that is a lot to take in but I hope it helps. Once again I appreciate your patience with me and if you have question thought or concerns about my grow feel free to comment.

On a funnier note I keep trying to take a "break" from weed so that when I try my crop I will appreciate it more completely. But every time I try to start, the opportunity for more weed presents itself. Oh well... Smoke weed ever day