Amen. Cut the large fan leaves off before you hang them. Once they get wet or crispy they are hard to trim. I usually trim most of the thricome colored minor leaves after the larger ones so they can be saved for ice hash. the micron bags are expensive, but is worth it for the added treat. You'd need enough skuff to make it worth it though.
I have had colas bend the main stalk at more than a 90 degree angle from their unchecked weight. Once staked, they recoup in a few days and develop a thick knot of scar tissue at the bend. No doubt this is undesired, the point is: sometimes damage thought unrecoverable is not such. I have even split stems on purpose in veg and watched them recover with holes in their stems. They are very hard to kill, even when you want to. Next time, try staking the bend straight and give them a few days. If you see a ton of yellow leaves on the branch, that is OK, but brown or black is necrotic death. Yellow means the branches are depleting their nitrogen stores for repair, much as human muscles do with other compounds. If you see crispy leaves or fast browning or sagging, they are too far gone and will do more harm to the plant if left.