First Grow Top 44


Active Member
This is my first grow ever. I got 10 top 44 seeds from and germinated them at the end of february. They were under a 90w florecent grow light for the first 3 weeks and now they are under a 150 HPS light. They have more than doubled there size under the HPS bulb and they have only been under it half as long. They have been in the 12/12 light cycle for the past 5 days but are not really showing any signs of sex. I've been feeding them miracle grow fertalizer 12-4-8 at half dose for the past 3 weeks.

Now I've noticed that some of the outer bottom leaves are drooping and wilting a little. Also some of the leaves have slight yellow and browning and crisping of the leaves at the tips. I water them once every 2-3 days and soak the soil all the way through until the water drips from the bottom of the pots (there's plenty of room for drainage).

I was wondering how much i could expect (yield) from each plant. They are 5 days into a six week floweing time. Also I have a bloom fertalizer 2-11-11 and was wondering at what dose to apply it and when to start using it.

I attached a few pics from the grow room. Any advice is appreiciated!!



Well-Known Member
im a beginner nut frm wt i hear the chrisping of the leaves and browning is frm where there is moisture on the leaves and jsu gt backed frm the light are you using a white light our flouresont?


Active Member
Yanksck what type of material do you have reflecting the light on the wall? it looks like tin foil, but I hear that doesn't work as well?


Active Member
It's tin foil, with the shiny side facing the light. That all I had at the time. What should I use instead?


Well-Known Member
It's tin foil, with the shiny side facing the light. That all I had at the time. What should I use instead?
hey, I am working with some t44 right now as well. I 10 beans from the same place you did. This stuff is really interesting. It can and will flower in 6-7weeks tops. 44 days tops...dunno about that. It has a fruity taste to me. It's lineage appears to be a mystery.

The tin foil is a waste. Paint your walls flat white or order "pandafilm" on ebay.