First grow tupperware ~help-needed~ stay tuned for pics when camra is done chargein


New Member
Okay here goes nothing now.... i have a tupperware lined with tinfoil i have:
4 mini compact Fluorescent Bulbs saysss....23watts = 100watts????

light output 16000 energy used 23 watts? 2700k soft white light

and 1 13w=75 watts bulb

and i have a xbox fan on the side stay tuned for pics..... im takeing them now are my plants gonna make it till may 29th ??? the vegitibve stage so i can put them outside

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New Member
whats a sticky post? im new here first post lol.... and so this will work alright???? im guessing my temp is 83 im kinda worried?


New Member
i turned off the 75 w and the 100 watt see what that does ummm is it bad to have them at 85 and heat stress is what?


Well-Known Member
its good to have both spectrums durring all stages of growth. your bulbs are fine what you do need to worry about is getting those seedlings into seperate containers. thier roots are probably already a little tangled so be very gentle and transplant asap


Well-Known Member
85 is a little warm but not horible. ideally 75 but anything between 65 and 85 is ok. any higher or lower will slow or even stop growth


New Member
im afraid to transplant themmmmm :( they wil die cant i just grow them and if there males next to them just cut them dead?


Active Member
alot of the sticky have most of the answers with pics.... where i have found out alot of info and try to stick to one seed per container so roots dont tangle 1 per party cup


New Member
okay thank you sooo much guys so my plants are going to be okay ohh and do you know how much i should get out of adleast 2 plants if 2 make it?


Well-Known Member
they will die if you dont seperate them. if you do it carefully they will be fine, but do it now. the longer you wait the more roots you will damage. get it over with now and they will be fine. if you wait longer you will hurt them worse trust me dude