First Grow(Update) Deep Water Culture (Attempt) "How am i doing?" thoughts on grow?


Active Member
Hey guys just thought i would put a little update up!
PH is about 5.8 - 6.0
Temp is around 22- 24 degrees Celsius.
Humidity i have no idea.

Topped my baby the other night!
as you can see the leaves seem a little dry and tiny bits of the tips seems a little burnt!
not sure why,im not feeding them,only aquarium water!
i am still getting the curling upwards on the DWC setup!
not so much the soil!

Added a 6500k cool cfl to the box with another exhaust.
my baby seems to be liking it!
nice root growth!
" is there anything in particular that i could feed her for better root growth?"

My main concern is the main stem is heaps droopy and bendy! :S
she is thick as for a baby too!
im just bit confused on why shes floppy? is there anything i could do?

still have not obtained a ppm or tds meter, but i have ammonia and nitrate test kits!
if anyone knows if they are much help!

please comment and help is much appreciated guys!


If I were you I'd get my ppms up to at least 800 nice and steady with veg nuts as soon as your Tds stick arrives.
I have used rhizotonic during sort of a pre vegg as well as the beginning of flower for root mass and added nutrient uptake.
I've also used voodoo juice and that stuff is the shit all around for healthy white maassive rooting.

Once you start to flower get your ppms up to 1400 1500 ppms at most. There's a lot of good stuff for different flower phases you can add while in DWC.

Regular ph'd water only means she is getting the garbage minerals(unless using r/o water)
anyhow best of luck. ( I bet she'd like about 10ml of stuff sensigro right about now)


Active Member
i have got my ph meter, i am having troubles finding a tds or ppm meter.
i have nitrate and nitrite test solutions! atm from aquarium
not dure if they would do the job!
but i herd the digital tds meters are pathetic and rarely accurate.

Nutrients i only have access to pure forms etc like epsom salts,kno3, calcium, sulfur,sulfates etc
i also found this micro solution for aquariums,with concentrated forms of micros in it! which i have been using instead!

and my resivior seems to be evaporsating pretty quick,i was thinking of adding a bigger one.
but last time i changed, my babies ended up dying :(